Peace, Flo Why would you want to reform Voodoo? Gerard

Gerard says...

Peace, Flo
Why would you want to reform Voodoo?


The topic is: Exposé on Christianity!
This is a reply to Msg 4100
Posted by Gerard on October 12 2007 at 6:43 PM

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Great! Now you have a Voudou / Zombies and Christian Expose! > >
Good To Have A Christian Expos, 9-Oct-07 12:01 pm
Here again, your expose is biased. It is contradictory. You quoted old Testament to make your point> It was you who said that the old testament was writen by iqnorant jews. You do not follow a logical point and distorted the word of Paul and Jesus. > >
Ti Malice., 11-Oct-07 9:10 pm
Dear Flo, I have read your "expose on Christianity". Please, tell me what you believe in. The expose is far from complete!!! You come across as educated but highly misdirected. I appreciate the effort you put in your researches, however, some of > >
Gerard, 11-Oct-07 9:55 pm
To one and all, I have refrained from posting because it is my estimation that this blog has been taken over by about half a dozen of psudo intellectuals who tend to pontificate on things in which they have little of no knoledge. I have in mind t > >
Mckenzie, 11-Oct-07 10:53 pm
where did you learn all these stuffs > >
Djakut, 11-Oct-07 11:12 pm
Addendum, Most of the supposed documents posted was plagiarizedrized. The name of the book escapes me, but I intend to give the author and the name of the book (s) on my next posting. Coridally, McKenzie > >
Mckenzie, 11-Oct-07 11:14 pm
I have my laptop with me and I got your message brother Gerard by checking my e-mail but I am off the blog for a while ----busy! I can tell you this my " Expose" was mainly a response to your idea of sin and salvation. I wanted to point out "how" Ch > >
Flo, 12-Oct-07 6:29 pm
Peace, Flo Why would you want to reform Voodoo? Gerard > >
Gerard, 12-Oct-07 6:43 pm
Greetings! One must not compare religion to Christianity. Christianity is derived from the name of Christ, which means: the SAVIOR or MESSIAH, who was promised by God to the JEWS of the old testament as the redeemer of their sins. Furthermore, it > >
Mardochard Louis, 12-Oct-07 10:24 pm
Dear Unknown, In your endeavor to explain with great precision your expose on the "original sin" has drawn my attention, and I can see that how careful you are indeed on pin pointing out all the detail explanations regarding this hot topic. First > >
Mardochard Louis, 13-Oct-07 1:52 pm
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