HAITI's S.O.S Call is now!!!

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Per action,

A new dialogue among the Haitian youth living abroad and in Haiti needs to take place and I mean, now! I am tired of fellow Haitian Kinsmen placing blames and excuses on past leaders and crisis to evade from the true call of Haiti S.O.S distress call for help.

I feel even if we could not do much politically, but socially there are many ways we could devote time and effort to change the dynamics.

As I recall in 2004 alone, over more than half of the Dominican Republic's economy was due to its International body of its country men and women living abroad through their investment in tourism, family support businesses and Property building foundations which in return have arisen the country's economy and in part, an estimated value of $3 billion a year was due solemnly by remittances to relatives at home.

I truly hope I am wrong in saying: We surely have lost our ways and the notion of or to ever returning home, in other words, we have forgotten where home is and where we came from which is why Haiti is on a standing still and yet to recover from the so many ever lasting political blows...

Alors encore ensemble, marchons unis!!!

Wilgeens Rosenberg, October 8 2007, 12:12 AM

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