Reply:Aristide has done a good job with the army.

Leas Jeunes D Haiti says...

You have the same problem than Aristide.

You cannot make the difference between an institution and its members.

And this is why we keep making mistakes after mistakes and the entire world is laughing at us like we are one crazy nation without directions.

For example: President Preval is the president of Haiti.

He is therefore an important member of an institution called "The Presidency of Haiti".

You can exile a president, make a coup d'etat etc..

But you cannot destroy the "Presidency of Haiti" which is an institution guaranteed by the constitution of 1987 vote by the Haitian people by referendum( which becomes the law of the land).

In other words.

People go, institutions remain.

You can fire the entire personel of the Haitian Army. But you will never be able to destroy the institution which guaranteed by the constitution of the country.

If you do so, you will open the door to the destruction of other institutions.

And believe me if the "Presidency of Haiti as an institution is destroyed, Aristide would cry like a baby.

You mention Aristide's action as a smart move. We describe it as a "stupid mistake".

The objective of Arisitide was to get rid of the army in order to create his own paramilitary groups such as "The Chimeres" and the "ADS".

Aristide should follow "Papa Doc".

Papa doc did not detroy the army, he used it while creating his own paramilitary group "The Tonton Macoutes"/ VSN. An organization that Aristide had known very well, because his father was a zealous member of this criminal organization.

You do not use the constitution to do your own things.

You have to respect the law of your own land. and that, will gain you respects where ever you would go.

This is a reply to Msg 116
Posted by Leas Jeunes D Haiti on September 22 2006 at 1:53 AM

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I am aware that our army has defeated the French in 1804. At that time, the army was fighting against slavery which stood upon deaths or lives. After that marvelous victory, the army has shown unprofessionalism from east to west, and north to south > >
Robert Magic St Fleur, 19-Apr-06 10:44 pm
I completely agree with you. I am still afraid of soldiers even in my dreams. This is what I learnt when I was a kid: Military men were to hurt not to protect. Even their wives and kids had power over civilians. They did what ever they dam please > >
Jocelyne, 23-Apr-06 5:19 pm
Jocelyne, I appreciate your inputs very much and I wish most people could read it. That army has given birth to some devils like Raoul Cedras who kicked out the President elected by the Haitian people (Aristide) generated more than 100 millions > >
Robert Magic St Fleur, 25-Apr-06 11:02 am
I like what I red in the article. That is the dream of all Haitian and it is more than time to; not only having that dream but to feed it. I encourage, recomend this action. The colonialist were able to capture African and deported them all over the > >
David Rich, 9-Sep-06 9:11 am
You wrote a beautiful peace marketing the re.... whatever of the army. The army, let me remind you, has done nothing after the death of Dessalines. Did they stop the mulattoe presidents to buy our independence from France for 26 million after all > >
Ayisyen Patriyot, 9-Sep-06 4:15 pm
Let's get ready of our emotions,it's true that our army hadn't done anything for Haiti.But it was a deterrent for our next door neighbor not to invade and occupy us. yes,we could an army that won't take order from washington.We should draft 16years > >
Yves Binbin, 10-Sep-06 5:04 pm
Nous, a l"Ultra National nous proposons la creation d'une Garde Nationale. Nous comprenons le fardeau economique que posera une telle garde, mais nous avons aussi realise ne pas avoir une force professionelle capable de defendre les interets de ce p > >
Yves Lonmaren, 19-Sep-06 12:15 am
A"Garde National" or a "Garde Lavalas"?? why not calling it "Volontaire de la Securite Lavalas" or VSL.Because this is clearly the idea behind this "Garde National". With "Ti Klody or Amaral" as commander in Chief. Bottom line: THIS IS UNCONSTI > >
Les Jeunes D Haiti, 19-Sep-06 4:09 am
Nationaliste Fanfan Vous avez eloquemment defendu la necessite d'une garde Nationale. Nous saluons votre opinion a l'Ultra Nationale. Nous en tant qu'intellectuals et patriotes promouvoir cette idee. Il y va de nos interets nationaux et de la se > >
Yves Lonmaren, 21-Sep-06 9:34 pm
You have the same problem than Aristide. You cannot make the difference between an institution and its members. And this is why we keep making mistakes after mistakes and the entire world is laughing at us like we are one crazy nation without dir > >
Leas Jeunes D Haiti, 22-Sep-06 1:53 am
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