Il Ne Faut Pas Quitter Le CIA Blog Pour Ces Voyous

Serge Leblanc P says...

Quand vous ouvrez votre blog, veuillez nous donner l'addresse et utilizer d'autres sites pour pouvoir le communiquer ok. Ces voyous peuvent bloquer votre IP pour relire ce que vous avez ecrit mais n'ayez pas peur les jours de ces chiens sont comptes.

Courage! Vous avez fait un bon travail en expliquant beaucoup de choses sur ce blog mais les chiens proprietaires de ce blog ne sont pas d'accord avec vos idees et ils pensent vous liquider mais ils mourront tous avant vous. Ce sont ces chiens la qui kidnappent, assassinent, pillent, divisent et tuent en Haiti.

C'est a cause de leur jeu comme vous l'avez explique dans votre posting qu'on pense restaurer l'armee Haitienne pour que ces chiens la (MINUSTAH, anciens soldats et les voyous des quartiers pauvres) arrettent de detruire Haiti tant avilie et humiliee par la honte de ces malpropres.

Courage et bon travail Toulimen! Ne quittez jamais ce blog a cause de ces chiens!

Posted by Serge Leblanc P on April 17 2011 at 7:53 PM

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Serge,Toulimen think his work should be "problem free". Not in this world, i don't know for the next world. We all know this blog is suck just like any other useless administration involve CIA dogs. Do you guys knew they are many type of CIA? > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 18-Apr-11 7:54 am
Hey low IQ before you start posting on the internet information that you don't know ask me first if those information are corrects. Leave me an email or your phone number so I could contact you. 1-It's just like the KJB. 1-A-KJB was not known as > >
Agent X, 18-Apr-11 6:08 pm
Agent X,the only thing i will ask you? It's to bring you mother in the front of me with no underwear on. If you don't have one,you can bring your sister that will do :) You most be a low life CIA > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 18-Apr-11 9:33 pm
Jean Pierre Alexandre Says.. Agent X, the only thing i will ask you? It's to bring you mother in the front of me with no underwear on. If you don't have one, you can bring your sister that will do :) You most be a low life CIA > >
Agent X, 19-Apr-11 12:57 am
Hello every body toulimen is simply Martelly that was on this blog for his election. I stated that several time base on what he wrote during his campagne. Now he is the president he does not need to stay on this blog anymore. Hello wake up and smell > >
Alllfr, 19-Apr-11 4:47 am
Agent X, machande poisson are people too,jackass. If you IQ were up to dates,you would figure That KGB is fully fonctional and they even goes to Church nowadays. let's me teach you things you don't know cause you are in the regular world of what > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 19-Apr-11 8:09 am
In my field of work we call them KGB regardless of the name change. Above statement shows that you work the CIA probably as in informant,or informer or a CIA dog. Do you have four legs instead of two. Sweet Miki might need a four legs like you u > >
Agent X, 19-Apr-11 9:00 am
Agent x,I have only three legs the one in the middle is already for your mother :). As for my daugther she is somewere in the persian gulf or the Pacific on a Navy ship i hope you understand,you can figure this one out very easy cause you claims tha > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 19-Apr-11 10:47 am
Daughter whereabouts is unknown with all those guys? Now you you prove to me how right I were! Case closed. You are not man enough to send your daughters to universities. A good father will do three jobs first before sending their sons or daughters > >
Agent X, 19-Apr-11 12:53 pm
Like i've told you guys,Toulimen is a very smart man :) that's mean Haiti is in good hand. Oh yeah.We all know what he stand for,a better Haiti for all. Him and I,we never can get one thing strait,Our Haitian elites needs to be eliminates at any > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 19-Apr-11 12:53 pm
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