CIA's Spies Are Arguing About Haitian Former Pdts To Divide More Haitians
Toulimen says...
I praise many bloggers from not being part of those conversations.
Low life citizens paid by CIA agents are working hard to divide more Haitians in this critical moment of their life with the new elected president in Haiti.
I am asking all Preval bloggers who believe in the healing power and the faith of all Haitians everywhere not to be part of past presidents' discursions so they can move HAITI forward.
Don't let those vermines ruining your life ok. Many Haitian CIA agents are vermines and they are paid to spread lies all over like those political brainwashers in the U.S. media.
Remember, we are Haitians and we have a country to save. Those sold-out agents are living for foods and you must consider them as bare life citizens who have nothing to do with Haiti.
Stay away from those vermines (worms) if you want to save Haiti.
Again, I am asking my good fellow bloggers not to be part of the past discourses about Haiti.
It is time to think about what can unite us to decolonize Haiti.
If you cannot control your destiny, those CIA vermines in Haiti as well as in the U.S. will take over your life and you will be doomed to failure.
We need all Haitians whether they are Aristide, Duvalier, Preval, Trouillot, Cedras, Frank Romain, Bennett, Avril, Chanoine, Namphy, Rebu, Regala, Achilles, Merceron, and Martelly to name a few to save Haiti.
Don't let those CIA vermines ruin your life and seek unity at all times to save Haiti.
I cannot argue about people from past governments because my life was not impacted by them. I never worked for any past governments and I am not interested for working for any Haitian governments in the future and that is why I want Haiti to move forward.
Low life and bare life citizens are attached with the past of those governments and they will never move Haiti forward.
Identify those vermine dividers and stay away from them for the unity and the peace of our lovely Haitian people.
We can lead again and we can be respected if we can stay from those CIA's Vermine Dividers.
Pa chita ap bwe soup divizyon ouvri je nou pou nou ka sove peyi a tande!
Posted by Toulimen on April 8 2011 at 11:05 AM