You are talking like a brainwashed child who is 6 or 7 years...

Joubert says...

You are talking like a brainwashed child who is 6 or 7 years of age and with a person like you the white men will always state that Haitian adults think like a seven years old person in their country.

What a shame to say such a thing to an adult! Why do white men create diseases and vaccinations?

They create them to better control their population and they believe if they don't inflict their population with diseases people will not stop procreating.

This idea of population control came from the conservative people (Republicans) after they had concentrated all the world economic resources into their hands.

Conservatives are united worldwide and especially with the G-8, G-5 and G-20 countries.

They control the world's destiny.

For instance, before people get sick, they brainwash them to let them know a virus is out and who puts that virus out?

The CDC and the Red Cross technicians are the ones that spread those viruses out before they provide training to others.

They know where they spread a virus and how many people will get infected.

Vaccinations and viruses create jobs while they are killing others.

Once you get vaccinated for a disease, you get some protection for that disease for a certain period of time and you have to renew that virus all the times.

The antibody as received through the vaccine can actually kill real antibodies that you have within your immune system and make you dependent toward certain types of medicines.

Actually, people who get flu vaccines each year are the ones that keep getting cold flu each year and they die early than people who never receive that vaccine because they are under population control of the white men scientists in position of power.

Many of you will die in the U.S.if you are not careful and you will never enjoy the retirement money that you have worked hard for it. You will die like many African Americans because you like that stupid healthcare more than them. You will always believe that U.S. doctors are better than Haitian doctors in Haiti and you will stay in the U.S. to receive their sweet death through misdiagnosis and so on. When others are trying to open your eyes and you are voicing sh8t.

Too bad, before you regret your stupidity for trusting white men it will be too late. It is hard to save some of you because you are so brainwashed in that criminal system that keeps taking the lives of so many innocent people each year, but a few of you will be saved.

King Solomon states in the Christian Bible this: It will be very difficult to make an idiot person listen than making a deaf person listen to reason and wisdom.

Too bad and shame on you. Research vaccines and diseases with a critical mind to know how safe or unsafe you are under white men's medical racist system and their biotechnology power.


The topic is: Stanley Lucas Is A CIA Agent And A Sold Out Haitian
This is a reply to Msg 27776
Posted by Joubert on April 6 2011 at 6:33 PM

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I wish that you understand what vaccination mean.After someone get vacccinated their is something call antobody that your body create against the disease that you are vaccinated for, therefore you will not be worry about getting the disease in a la > >
Elsie, 6-Apr-11 4:21 pm
Elsie,does your high laboratory complex research involve in DNA interactive,cutting,pasting,copying DNA? > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 6-Apr-11 4:59 pm
You are talking like a brainwashed child who is 6 or 7 years of age and with a person like you the white men will always state that Haitian adults think like a seven years old person in their country. What a shame to say such a thing to an adult! Why > >
Joubert, 6-Apr-11 6:33 pm
Jean, an idiot like Elsie will never understand manipulation of DNA mutation and genes replication in many aspects of people's lives in the world. She will never understand the copying process and how America happens to feed its population with copy > >
Toulimen, 6-Apr-11 6:47 pm
The Truth About Aristide: Mob Boss or Persecuted Priest? by Stanley Lucas Over the past 50 years, Haiti has suffered under the rule of strongmen: Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier followed by his son Jean Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, Jean... > >
Placide Camperrin, 7-Apr-11 12:31 pm
Malandrin boue tafia rou et respecter ver rou. Aristide pas camarade ou. Si rou kape toucher check nan Crack_Industry_Association espece de 8 Mars ici > >
Plugal, 7-Apr-11 9:52 pm
With all the due respect, the blogger has the right to express his or her opinion in all Haiti's affair and business. If you are not agree with Him don't disrespect him for that because Jean Bertrand Aristide is a Haitian man first and Former Presi > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 7-Apr-11 10:46 pm
Aristride was found mentally incapable to go back & run the country a second time around...history has proved that the Western Power was right...he landed in exile in his second free ride in Joanesburg South Africa...Now he claimed that he learned en > >
Ernst Etienne, 8-Apr-11 2:36 am
This is very interesting I noticed a flip in your definition of mentally incapable 1-For you, mentally incapable is a person who has been recognized worldwide by the academic community as being an accomplished scholar and a luminary. A mentally inca > >
Concerned Haitian, 8-Apr-11 7:31 am
Aristide is not a CIA agent. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 8-Apr-11 10:32 am
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