Dear Angie, what you have not done is read enough to really...

Linda says...

Dear Angie, what you have not done is read enough to really understand the situation.

For example, had you bothered to learn the history of Haiti and the western powers, you might be educated enough to understand that if Haiti is starving today, as you said, it is a direct result of those nations meddling in Haitian affairs.

You reducing yourself to the childish level of using insulting words makes us think that you really are not up to the level of this discussion.

Perhaps before you join a discussion--about something you obviously know so little about--you might want to pick up a book or two.

The topic is: Thing every Haitian should know about the Americans
This is a reply to Msg 27536
Posted by Linda on March 28 2011 at 1:36 PM

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Kamoken, do you see how chemical Chinese-Americans chicken wings turn Haitian-Americans against JUS SOLI Haitian citizens? It is sad, she is a deguised spy on this blog and she is on the CIA's payroll list. Before, he was AbleRooster and now she is > >
Toulimen, 27-Mar-11 11:19 pm
Dear Angie, what you have not done is read enough to really understand the situation. For example, had you bothered to learn the history of Haiti and the western powers, you might be educated enough to understand that if Haiti is starving today, as y > >
Linda, 28-Mar-11 1:36 pm
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