Who was Guy Francois. Qui etait-il?

Ayisyen Patriyot says...

Last night, my wife's pastor called me to ask me about Guy Francois, I mistakenly described him as Michel Francois.

But if they are both criminals, Michel Francois was a blood thirsty.

Guy Francois was ousted by Avril, with the help of Big Brother, in the conflict between Casernes and Palais after Guy Francois took over the command of Casernes following the death of Trafficant Colonel Jean Claude Paul who was poisoned by his own concubine under the pressure from the sadistic general de facto president, Prosper Avril.

So Michel Francois, unfortunately, is still alive, drinking his money in Panama, along with his "compadre", ex-general Raoul Stalline Cedras.

Guy Francois is the one who was murdered.

When I wrote "Go Preval" last night, I tought it was Michel FRancois that was killed because he's a dangerous mass murderer.

I have known some of his victims.

In Guy Francois' death, I don't think the police or the government has anything to do with it because he wasn't a direct enemy.

He had his personal enemies though: #1 Dangerous ambitious trickery Prosper Avril.

Posted by Ayisyen Patriyot on September 16 2006 at 9:03 AM

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If you do not know about someone take the time to do some research before you write about that person. He was a brilliant military officer. a Graduate of the class of 1971 of "H second of his class from "Haiti Military Academy". Gen.Cedras was the > >
Les Jeunes D Haiti New Version, 19-Sep-06 1:45 am
U got me. About Guy Francois, I did know nothing but the fact he was a brilliant officer of Casernes under Jean C. Paul. I assumed that he must have been a criminal to have pertained to such a criminal entity like Casernes, who knows? A lot of people > >
Ayisyen Patriyot, 22-Sep-06 7:08 am