I will not say to forget about the haitians bourgeois to...

Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

I will not say to forget about the haitians bourgeois to invest in Haiti,
But the haitians diaspora have more greens, euros to invest in Haiti.

Every year the diaspora send back home over 2 billion dollars.

To my eyes the only thing i see, the so-called Haitians elites with their way of doing bznss is very bad, bad to the bones.

They come or acte like a vaccum to our sour system.

1) The elites don't buy goods from the Haitian farmers in bulk or no distrubution system.

2)The shop over seas.
3)they import goods without control or balance to the country.

4)they even(import) have overseas workers from the Phillipines to work as managers, accountants ect...

(Boulos and some others monkeys),(we have qualified individual in Haiti).

Again i will say it."death to all of them."
The diaspora can take over.

Fuck them all elite monkeys in Haiti to death.

The topic is: CIA's Inquisition Order On Killing Voodoo Priests Must Stop
This is a reply to Msg 27074
Posted by Jean Pierre Alexandre on March 8 2011 at 7:21 AM

Messages in this topic

I will not say to forget about the haitians bourgeois to invest in Haiti, But the haitians diaspora have more greens,euros to invest in Haiti.Every year the diaspora send back home over 2 billion dollars.To my eyes the only thing i see,the so-called > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 8-Mar-11 7:21 am
Jean don't say that! After the earthquake, they see the need to invest in Haiti now and if they don't do it we will kick them out of Haiti. They have no choice for they cannot do business as usual. They are supporting Martelly and we need their cap > >
Toulimen Legrand, 8-Mar-11 1:01 pm
Espwa a pi bon pou Ayiti se okipasyon Ameriken, makonnen ak refom fo style AMERICAN.. > >
Rooster, 8-Mar-11 6:58 pm