I have thought going to DR several times but when the...
Toulimen Legrand says...
I have thought going to DR several times but when the TRUJILLO's massacre crossed my mind I called off my visit and I decided to go visit other parts of the world.
Haitians have short memory of world events and they think they can go visit any places around the world.
History is history and one alone cannot rewrite it. Black people are colonized by the Christian Churches whether catholic or protestant.
In America, Jew Scientists are the ones who are inflicting all those STD diseases to blacks and they are the ones also transforming them into gays. Jews manipulated people DNA and Chromosomes to make them sleep with their own gender.
They converted a vice into a real practice i.e. converting anal sex as practiced by the Greeks to homosexuality in increasing one's gender chromosomes.
An homosexual male carries 100% of male chromosomes into his body and vice versa for a woman.
Should the God that we are venerating be the Zionist God?
I don't think so. Zionist Jews are the Diaspora Jews and not the Jews in Israel.
They are the ones transforming the United States as a Sodomic and Ghomorhea's country.
Israel does not want them to return in Israel because they are the most perverted people around the earth.
It is sad my friend.
We need to remember world's event so we will not be the next victim.
The topic is: Haïtians fleing Mexico .
This is a reply to Msg 26994
Posted by Toulimen Legrand on March 3 2011 at 4:13 PM