Petrus, I don't disagree with you about Toussaint's role in...

Jynee says...


I don't disagree with you about Toussaint's role in our history.all of our forefathers should be revered.

I'm not in no way criticizing his actions or Dessalines' actions.

I do believe they both did what they had to do and what they thought was best for Haiti.

I'm just saying that Toussaint wanted to compromise and I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to compromising at the time but Napoleon would not so it cost both France and Haiti alot. My point was Haiti might have been a different place if france had went along with Toussaint's plan instead of kidnapping and throwing him in jail. who knows?

the America's might have been a different place.

The Louisiana purchase might not have happened, France might have had a bigger influence in the Americas.

till this day western leaders still follow Napoleon path, they tend to discard moderate nationalist leaders only to have to deal with a more radical Nationalist later.

Either way, Haiti need a true Nationalist to bring about its economic Freedom, either one who will follow Toussaint path or Dessalines, at this point, I don't really care which path but i can guarantee you the US will reject the Toussaint only to have to face the Dessaline later

This is a reply to Msg 26364
Posted by Jynee on February 11 2011 at 12:13 PM

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Brainless Android, you are only making a silly fool of yourself. Go play some video games... > >
Ablerooster, 10-Feb-11 8:14 pm
A. Chicken, You may not be a chicken,after all, you may be a worm better yet a virus. The same virus that is killing the third world...Lots of questions have been thrown are you. What don't you answer them, if you are not fake? > >
Brian Andrew, 10-Feb-11 8:19 pm
Rooster, It's not so much American intervention but the US has to radically change its policies toward Haiti. I am sure the US has many things to offer Haiti but the way they have been going about it is all wrong. Instead of USAID dispersing mone > >
Jynee, 10-Feb-11 8:21 pm
petrus, what is it about people on this blog that they cannot have civil debate without insulting someone. I did not bash Toussaint, I just state the facts, tmy position was not oh who was best toussaint or dessaline before you come with you criti > >
Jynee, 10-Feb-11 8:32 pm
Jynee, you have excellent thoughts from the top to the bottom of your post. I agree with all of it. You are precisely accurate in the entirety. I am grateful for the fresh air! Thank You and God Save Haiti! Good Night Jynee, I am tired, and must slee > >
Ablerooster, 10-Feb-11 8:44 pm
I am not accusing you of anything and I simply made some corrections about your last posting. I never insulted anyone and I will never do that. I always conduct myself politely and I treat my opponents with respect and I greet them at the end of any > >
Petrus, 10-Feb-11 10:47 pm
Jynee, You have raised some very important points here and I could not agree with you more. In a perfect world your ideas would have been flawless. We must understand the history of U.S. foreign policy and foreign aid. From U.S.big city Ghettos, A > >
Baron Samedi, 10-Feb-11 11:38 pm
Baron, points well taken. At this point, I just wish Haitians would overlook our differences and start to build some trust in each other to come with workable solutions to move the country forward.maybe set up some kind of fund where Haitians can > >
Jynee, 11-Feb-11 11:39 am
Petrus, I don't disagree with you about Toussaint's role in our history.all of our forefathers should be revered. I'm not in no way criticizing his actions or Dessalines' actions. I do believe they both did what they had to do and what they t > >
Jynee, 11-Feb-11 12:13 pm
Jynee, I was very quick on my first response because I was ready for bed. On my second reading of your post, I agree even more, but, certain parameters should serve as a blueprint for success. I especially liked your comment about earth moving equipm > >
Ablerooster, 11-Feb-11 4:28 pm
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