What You Should Know By Gauthier Saintilus

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What You Should Know By Gauthier Saintilus

Hello brethren,

Today, I want to give you briefly some hints aboout the Haitian's forefathers inspiration and the American's forfathers inspiration.

The United States of America took independence on July4th.

1776 fron England.The forefathers, the congressman and the scholars united together and wrote their constitution.

They designed their own flag and invented their national currency on which they wrote, "IN GOD WE TRUST

This motto, In God we trust", symbolized God's blessing throughtout the United States.

As a result, most of the presidents of the United States concluded their speeches with these solemn words, "God bless America".

In addition, the founders of this nation were concerned about the prosperity of the land and the pursuit of happiness of the people; therefore, they wrote these two mottoes: "Aim High" and "Puisuit of happiness".

They both were included as an additional blessing to the people.

They believed in GOD and in their constitution as a road map to lead their country.

As a result, America has become one of the greatest land of opportunities in the world.

I think the whole concept is marvelous specially these two slogans: "Aim High and Pursuit of Happiness".They could be considered as the engine of their national success!

HAITI, in contrast, took independence on January first 1804, from Frence.

Last january 1st.2011, was Haiti's two-hundred-and-seven years of independence.

Today, what do you see about Haiti?

Did that country move progressively forward or regressively backward?

If not, make some accurate ananlysis to find out the problems and then bring accurate solutions for a radical change.

Before haiti took independence, BOOKMAN, a run away slave from Jamaica, organized a famouse religious meeting of african slaves in bois-caiman on the night of august 14,1791.

He was a high priest of voodoo and leader of the "maroon slaves".

That night, he had made spiritual interpellation and offered a sacrifice to the evil spirit, not to GOD! He slew a black pig, drew out its blood, and used it as communion servive with the slaves.

The voodoo service was extraordinary.

They shout and sang various songs, and engaged themselves to serve the spirit whose inspired them for the kickoff of the uprising.

In fact, seven days after the service, on August 21,1791,the slaves of Saint-domingue rose in revolt and plonged the colony into civil war. The signeal to begin the revolt was given by Dutty Bookman.

Since that period, all Haitian government continued to make human or animal sacrifices to the devil so that they could remain in power! What do you expect from such governmen?

The horrible thing to believe is that about 80% of Haittians proclaimed voodoo as their national religion.

As a result, God punished that island.

Who can save Haiti?

The voodoo practice continued from Bookman throughout the Haitian's History.

The former president Francois Duvalier,"papa doc", buried a black pig alive in the same place where Bookman slew a black pig as a sacrifice to the devil.

Based on Haitian History, president Francois Duvalier took office in 1957 and died in 1971. He ruled the country for 14 years.

His son Jean-Claude Duvalier,"Baby Doc", came to power in 1971 when he was 19 succeeding his represssive father Francois Duvalier at his death.

Jean-Claude had led the country for 15 years.

Like his father, he imposed an authoritarian rule on the impoverished nation barring opposition, holding device, and pocketing government revenue.

The awful tonton macoutes, a secret police force loyal to Duvalier family, has been accused of kidnapping, torturing, and killing up to 30,000 suspected opponents during the 1960, and 70s. He continued to rule the same way as his father until he went to exile in 1986 in Frence.

On January18,2011, he was charged with criminal soociation and the peculation of public funds during the 15 years rule. in a separate move on wednesday, four Haitians including a high-profile journalist sued Duvalier alleging he had commited crime against humanity.

I don't have time to discribe a number of voodoo effects and the mediocrity of the government.

Now, I am concerned about the restoration of Haiti whose on January12,2010 was destroyed by a maggnitude 7.0 earthquake.

In order to make a complete restoration in Haiti, Haitians need to undergo a spiritual revival.

Ottherwise, if the tangible restoration completes without the spiritual revival, the work will be worthless.

The people will face calamity, disaters, criminality and political crisis would still arise in this impoverished nation! The result would be like buiding a city on the sand! Instead, the better way to have a good relief from the earthquake, Haiti should be restored on a solid rock!

Of course, Haitians need a new independence under God's banner with a new Covenant.

What does that mean?

A new independence is that GOD had sent his Son Jesus on earth to renew His relationship with humanity.

Jesus' crucifixion replaced the animal sacrifices; therefore, Haitian should no longer have to offer sacrifice to any spirit whatsoever.

This is the key to help prevent more plagues and political crisi from this nation.

There is one of the solutions: Haitians should use their motto,"L'Union Fait La Force' and repent.

The motto L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE" inscribe on the Haitian flag is poweful.When they use it to support wrong leaders or for wrong purpose, the result is usually deplorable for the country! On the other hand, its works positively when they utilized its power to make right decision! The forefathers believed in it, as a result, on January first 1804, Haiti had become a free land!

Today, God of Abraham Isaac, and Jacob said, 'enough is enough for Haiti! This year 2011, is the beginning of a new decade.

Haitians would rise and get together to proclaim a new independence under the banner of God with a new system of government and a new leadership! In this endeavor, I am the right man in the right place in the right time! What do you say?

The Lord anointed me to free at last Haiti! What do you say?

Remember this, He who creates the universe makes the rules and overrules" He used human, angels, force of the nature, and anything to manifest His power as He will! Just wait, and you would see His glory on behalf of Haiti.

I urged all churche members to pray faithfully for the liberation of Haiti.

Thank you. God leads and bless Haiti.


Gauthier Saintilus

Gauthier Saintilus, January 26 2011, 4:01 PM

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Beloved brother Gauthier, YES! Haiti needs Jesus above all, and so many have turned to Him. Our friend Pastor Ronald... read more >
Brian Sitterley, 27-Jan-11 10:53 pm


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