U. N. swift poison has killed so fare over 800 Haitians on their own soil

The Dark Knight says...

L'épidémie de choléra inquiète un expert du CDC

Un épidémiologiste des Centres américains pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies (CDC), Ezra Barzilay, affirme que l'épidémie de choléra a causé le décès de 800 personnes.

Il estime que la situation se détériore de jour en jour dans plusieurs régions d'Haïti. "Les Haïtiens font la queue, il n'y a plus de lits d'hôpital, les hôpitaux sont totalement débordés", a-t-il ajouté, notant que des équipes médicales étaient contraintes de choisir parmi les malades lesquels elles allaient pouvoir soigner.

Au Gonaïves, le principal centre hospitalier ne peut répondre à la demande.

Les personnes, soufrant de diarrhée, sont allongées à même le sol. Plus de 80 cas de décès ont été enregistrés au cours des 5 derniers jours dans la cité de l'indépendance.

Dans le Nord, à Pilate le seul centre de santé de la région a dénombré 12 décès. Les malades sont assis devant le centre et dans la rue dans l'espoir d'avoir accès à des soins médicaux.

L'épidémie de choléra considérée désormais comme un problème de sécurité nationale a déjà entraîné l'hospitalisation de plus de 11 000 personnes.

Les autorités locales sont de moins en moins enclin à fournir des informations sur les cas de décès. Les autorités ont récemment décidé de procéder à l'inhumation des cadavres afin d'éviter de nouvelles contamination.

LLM / radio Métropole Haïti

Posted by The Dark Knight on November 12 2010 at 5:42 AM

Messages in this topic

The Modern Execution When the truth cannot be handled, The United Nations, That MINUS - TAH, and their acolytes execute the Haitians, modernly. Is this how ya'll opt to exit your sin? It is easy to get in, but it's hell to get out! Is this how ya > >
Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, 12-Nov-10 6:16 am
I can't believe that u. n. can do that to us. they did that because they want us to die. they know that over the summer that nepal has colera according to news and they broing those sick soldiers to haiti to finish with us. this is a tangible proof > >
Elsi, 12-Nov-10 2:27 pm
Jean Pierre, 12-Nov-10 7:00 pm
Fellow Haitian Patriots, Haiti's Independence Clock is ticking as we purpose to finish strong. Welcome SPN D'Haiti (Service Protection National D'Haiti) We have the power and the strengths of which to unite as One Nation, Under God! He > >
Montresor 2011, 12-Nov-10 7:37 pm
You are dreaming of becoming a Haitian president, but Haiti will never appoint you to such a job. You are not qualified for it after all. Try to get a high school diploma first for yourself before you ask others to have one. I am advising you to enro > >
Melissa Green, 12-Nov-10 8:47 pm
I live to dreams… The word of the Lord is that I Montresor will be fruitful till my old age!!! And I vow to keep on dreaming for the rest of my life and my dreams will live on and grow deeper and greater. I am a dreamer; I have dreams for my > >
Montresor 2011, 12-Nov-10 9:33 pm
You typify the negativity in the black race.A person like you represent a liability a burden and an obstacle anywhere to group that strive for progress. What have you done so far to help the Haitian and the black community? I would like to know.Stop > >
Houngan-- D F Dieusibon, 13-Nov-10 8:01 pm
You are an accomplice for the destruction of the black race by white male scientists in America and in the world as well. For a loaf of bread, you sell your soul to evilness for the destruction of your own fellow citizens. You and the United Nations > >
Leostene Hougan, 13-Nov-10 9:01 pm
You asked a dangerous and a risky question that might trigger one of the biggest investigation in history that will include Interpol,FBI and every kind of police agencies that are attached to the nations that send their troops in Haiti. Are you that > >
John Perone, 14-Nov-10 9:45 am
Reply to Dessal the Avenger You are an accomplice for the destruction of the black race by white male scientists in America and in the world as well. We, dark skinned Haitians we are more educated than the rich conservative children in Haiti. Da > >
Houngan-- D F Dieusibon, 14-Nov-10 10:02 am