Haiti Should Return To Its Ancestral Roots To Be Saved

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Toulimen Says...

Listen, Montresor, I am not a Christian and I will never be a christian for the rest of my life. Your bible is written by White men and not by Black men. The former French masters utilize their bible to enslave our ancestors.

Former Haitian slaves had to accept christianity to be considered as civilized people and if they had refused they would face death.

The salvation that you are talking is another form of colonization.

It is said in your bible that slaves should obey to their masters like Paul himself obeyed to God's commendments.

It is said that women should obey to their husbands like Christ the king of the church.

Your bible justifies slavery as being a normal fact of life for the former black slaves.

As blacks, it is said in your bible that we are being cursed because we are originated from the Cain's race, one of the sons of Abraham.

White people and any other light skinned people are being originated from Sem and Japhet (White, Asians and Hispanics).

Whites impose their religion on us without asking us to forgive them for their racist institution as justified by the bible.

If it were for the bible practices Haitians would still be enslaved.

Haiti's history is the same like Israel and the Great Almighty Spirit liberated Haiti like he liberated Israel from Egyptians' slavery.

Jews are praying their own GOD through their own religion and no one states that JUDAISM is bad. Why Voodoo is not a religion of the Great Almighty God. Do you know how Jews mystically kill people around the world?

We have spiritual power like them, but our Voodoo has not been practiced like it should be. Do you consider Haitians as Voodooists?

Haitians are very far to be Voodoo followers many of them are criminals and not Voodoo followers.

You should be cleaned to practice Voodoo.

One day, the whole Haiti will know what is Voodoo and our spiritual power will be rejuvenated again.

Whites colonize you with their bible, for you do not know your history and your ethnic roots.

They have done the same in Benin, but Beninois have the courage in the 1960s to kick them out of their country and their Juju is celebrated everywhere and it is officially recognized in Benin.

I believe that you will condemn the Egyptians and accept the lies of Moses with your White Christian Bible.

You will betray your fellow Egyptian black men to please Jews with your bible.

Montresor, Haitians will be saved when they return to their ancestral roots.

Haiti is colonized by the christian churches and some Voodoo priests are criminals and they are the ones that put Haiti into this chaotic situation.

Being Christians, we stop cultivating our lands and we rely on external aid and that is why we are begging like that. Haitian Christians and along with some Voodoo priests are liars and beggars and there could be no salvation for them, for they are not original.

The international community colonizes us through their church missionaries and the NGOs in Haiti and that is why we cannot develop our country.

They are part of our own mess and we curse ourselves for being enslaved again.

If it were not the Voodoo spiritual forces Haitians would still be under the French Dominion like Martinique, Guadaloupe and San Lucia.

Those countries are better than Haiti because France wants us to regret our independence.

If we were not independent they would not improve their lives and they are very grateful to us too. Know your history and your White bible before you attack Voodoo as a sacred religion.

Voodoo is the religion of the cleaned hands' people and it will never be the religion of criminals, liars and hypocrits ok. Haiti is very far to practice the 1804's Voodoo.

I am an Afro-Voodoo believer and Haitians will be saved when they can return to their ancestral souls and there will be no other salvation for them...

All Christian countries in the Third World and especially in black countries are poor?


They are more Christians than the colonizers and Bill Clinton had acknowledged it in his last trip in Africa during his presidency.

Why are they poor countries?

They are colonized through the bible doctrines and they cannot develop themselves.

Haiti is more christianized than the U.S. Babylon country and why Haiti is so poor?

In the U.S. people are changing their sexes, genders and many are sleeping with animals.

It is a Sodomistic country and Haitians are more spirituals than Americans and why they are so poor?

Can you liberate yourself?

How many Haitians are in chains in your church with your bible doctrine?

Haitians are cursed because they are Christians and they will be cursed forever.

The day they can return to their ethnic roots, they will be saved and Haiti will be another country.

The Churches and the NGOs are the slavery roots in Haiti and Haiti will never be better.

If I did not know anything about history, I would be a Christian like you. Whites love you because they can colonize you with their bible, but they hate me because I can tell them that their bible is not the will of the Almighty Spirit that liberated Haiti through the Bois Caiman Ceremony.

I will never betray the Spirit of my former ancestors and I praised them for liberating Haiti although reenslaved by the light skinned elite and the missionaries after 1862. We are not ourselves stated Dr. Price Mars and we should return to our roots to liberate ourselves.

The transcendental leader is not far coming and Haiti will rise again.

Mark my words and take notes Montresor.

I am an Afro-Voodoo follower and I am proud of being a Voodoo person.

Ayibobo and in the name of father Dessalines Haiti will rise again

Reply to Msg 24772 posted 11/6/10 9:42 PM

Toulimen, November 6 2010, 9:44 PM

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