proposal to the president

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I believe that history will recognize Mr. Preval as the greatest president only if he serrounds himself with great leaders and doers.

He is trying to do many good things and I admire him for that. However he is going t have to value the Diaspora.

Most of the greatest and well-educated haitians are there in the Diaspora and are ready to help thet country to move. I believe we need to join together if for haiti to compete in this fast moving world.

I desaggre with the president with the way he is moving with the haitians that are being deported and abused by Santo Domingo.

That's one of our priority.

Agriculture is the key to a fast recovery and a stable haiti.

The president concentration now should preoccupied with the possibily of encouraging the prospect of agriculture and security wich will help to improve very rapidly the economy.

A friend of mine had sent a proposal to the president as to how they can create jobs and better the education and the economy.

He has never received any feedback from the president.

We cannot blame him because we don't know if he had received it, nonetheless that is a good proposal and should be looking into.

I wish Mr. Preval well and hope that he will try to part with with honest people, especially those that are capable and able to help move the country forwards.

Pepe Petion, July 8 2007, 12:43 PM

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