Serge Desrameaux, You have got to be on crack, and if not...
Tiba says...
Serge Desrameaux,
You have got to be on crack, and if not, whatever you are on it's a powerful sh8t, and you need to get off of it.
Contradictory! contradictory! contradictory! too much contradiction in your post. Think before you write so you can make sense and sound intelligent.
First, you said "Etre President d'un Pays n'est pas chose facile.
Mennen koulev la lekol se yon-n, fe-l' chita, se yon lo-t." If you think for a munte, you would realize that Preval put this statement to a new level because a caveman and even a monkey would a much better job being president of Haiti.
Second, you said "Ne soyez pas intimide par qui que ce soit. Le probleme de certains leaders politique est:" ils veulent le pouvoir dans le but de gaspiller et gagoter l'argent de la reconstruction d'Haiti."
Isn't what Preval is doing exactly?
The only reason why Preval wants to stay in power is to stealing as much as he can from the reconstruction fund.
Third, you said "Je salue avec chaleur votre decision de rester au pouvoir jusqu'a la nomination d'un nouveau President elu democratiquement.
Cette decision est salutaire;ce, pour empecher aux envieux du pouvoir de briguer illegalement et provisoirement le poste de President.N'ayez pas peur, vous n'etes pas seul. Nous suivons de loin ou de pres cette situation cahotique que traverse notre Nation."
My! my! my! tafia talk! isn't the reason why Preval wants to stay in power?
It is because Preval is thirsty for power otherwise he would have agreed to leave at the end of his term regardless of....
Fourth, you said " Cet argent doit rester aux mains de la Communaute internationale et dirigeants haitien pour une bonne gestion."
Kontradiksyon tafia! you said you did not want politician leaders to get their hands on the reconstruction money, and yet, you're demanding that the money stays with the community international and Haitian leaders.
Fifth, you said "Les leaders politique n'ont pas de moyen financier pour reconstruire Haiti.Meme s'ils avaient de l'argent, ils ne l'auraient pas depenser pour reconstruire Haiti.
Si ces politiciens la aiment le pouvoir reellement, qu'ils aillent aux urnes, aux elections a venir."
Are you saying that Preval would use his own money to rebuild Haiti?
How could he (Preval) use his own money to rebuild Haiti while stealing from donated money to the reconstruction?
Lastly, understand that every single Haitian citizen should dream of becomeing president, prime minister or whatever of their country someday.
Every single Haitian citizen has the rights as Preval to serve their country at any level they so choose to.
Furthermore, when you refer to politicians, and start criticising politicians remember that Preval is not exempt because he is the head of the government, which makes him "The" first politician as he is the president.
I would suggest that you allow yourself to be sober before you start talking or writing.
If Preval can be president of Haiti so can the caveman.
Stop drinking so much tafia with Preval.
The topic is: Kenbe fe-m.
This is a reply to Msg 21996
Posted by Tiba on May 14 2010 at 12:10 PM