Make the Presidency Post of Haiti an Unpaid Position

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We will need to make the Haitian presidency position an unpaid position to cure all Haitian males' presidency diseases.

All unqualified Haitian males want to be presidents.

The new president of Haiti should have the following qualifications:

1. Knowledge in Accounting and Business Administration
2. Knowl;edge in Economy and Banking Industry
3. Knowledge in Law, finance and International Relations
4. Knowledge at least in four languages such as French, English, Spanish and Creole
5. Hold an executive position prior to submitting his candidacy

We want the United Nations to petition the Haitian Congress to make the Haitian presidency an honorific position ie. an unpaid salary to cure Haitian males' presidency diseases...

In the New Haiti, we will need qualified Haitians ie. real technocrats and not Coco Rat technocrats like the current ones to hold public positions within the new Haitian Administration.

A bon entendeur, salut!

Dessalines The Tiger, May 2 2010, 12:37 AM

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