Haiti avant tout
Ayisyen Patriyot says...
I am a peaceful man and very liberal.
At the same time I love my country.
When I say: "une fraction d'une unite" unite that is the Lavalas Movement to which Preval also belongs, I mean "STOP THE KIDNAPPING FOR THE PURPOSE OF ARISTIDE'S RETURN";
I mean 'Aristide is fuera de lugar".
Ese maricon mentiroso fooled all of us.
We have to have priorities.
Our priority now is to give Preval a chance to govern.
What those terrorrists are doing is not human.
There are more peaceful and lawful ways to do things.
You don't have to block a country for one man. Everyone knows that if you stop Port-au-prince, you stop everything.
Stop that game please.
We are humans like the Jamaicans who manage to attract tourism; why not us?
The topic is: Lucifer is him the fake priest who fooled us
This is a reply to Msg 214
Posted by Ayisyen Patriyot on July 25 2006 at 11:15 PM