Linda and Bernadette are the same person, she has a right to...

Llyod Benneth Le Bourru says...

Linda and Bernadette are the same person, she has a right to call herself any aliases that she likes to.It is time know who our real enemies are, there are running the UN.One would think that The UN would go after the RED CROSS to
build a multiple apartments building in P-au-Prce that could shelter 500 families.Stop fighting each other.

The topic is: Kiki, Linda and Bernadette S are the same person
This is a reply to Msg 20887
Posted by Llyod Benneth Le Bourru on March 30 2010 at 11:19 AM

Messages in this topic

Linda and Bernadette are the same person,she has a right to call herself any aliases that she likes to.It is time know who our real enemies are,there are running the UN.One would think that The UN would go after the RED CROSS to build a multiple ap > >
Llyod Benneth Le Bourru, 30-Mar-10 11:19 am
Since you are so good at playing detective, why don't you come up with a comprehensive list of ALL the donations, allocations of funds including persons of contact. It is one thing to have your own voiced opinion It is another to spread false rumo > >
Bernadete S., 30-Mar-10 9:19 pm
Bonjour. Je suis le mari de Kiki. A travers vos ecrits, on peut remarquer votre patriotisme et votre amour pour votre pays. Mais si vous aimez Haiti, vous devez proner la reconciliation, l'unite et le respect mutuel des classes. Car ce n’es > >
Kiki, 30-Mar-10 10:03 pm
OK John Smith, that was really funny. I have not been on the blog for a while, but the first day I came back I got a real good laugh thanks to your post. So, Kiki, Linda and Bernadette are the same person hein? Funny, very very funny. > >
Linda, 31-Mar-10 12:00 pm
Ah hahrrrrrr now I think that I solve the riddle. This Trinity works for the Culinary Institute of America. Nobody likes their food especially in the 3rd,4th,and 5th world. Deviner roua deviner,Marcel corcorb main challan desyer'ou > >
Alexis, 31-Mar-10 2:15 pm
Hi Linda, this is Zac, the real Zac I hope nobody has been impersonating me. I just got back from Haiti. I know Haiti is a poor country but seeing the reality is totally traumatizing. Words cannot explain the pain I feel for Haiti and for Haitians. > >
Zac, 31-Mar-10 3:33 pm
Zaaaaaaaaaaac!!! It's really nice to have u back!!! Well, you already know how I feel about Preval, so I wont even go there. And yes this site is now filled with 3 types of people: the first group are white missionaries (which really means a bunc > >
Linda, 31-Mar-10 5:05 pm
Hello again Linda, It's really nice talking to you, thank you for welcoming me back but I'm afraid I won't be staying for long. I wanted to stop by and say hello to you and Tiba and to tell the two of you what I've experienced. for me this site h > >
Zac, 31-Mar-10 7:49 pm
Zac, I feel the same way you do about the site, about Preval, and about my people. As you know, I've been working independently to help Haiti for a long time. I started way before the earthquake and hope to continue soon. I don't rely on any foreig > >
Linda, 31-Mar-10 8:38 pm