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If we show young people how to create a business and laborious effort, honest and hard leads to success and we inculcate them, too, that failure should not be accepted as the defeat of a dream, but only one important step that requires the courage to recover and start to final goal, the future of our country is secured and then we should not fear the challenges that we will meet to walk the path of modernization and development.

But, all the administrative, political and economic needs to modernize to attract investment.

We must rely on public and private investment to increase the number of paid work, create wealth and reduce the rate of poverty in the country.

Therefore, it is essential that the partnership between the private and the public sector is central to the strategy to create jobs for youths.

However, none of this is possible if the government does not understand the nature of the fundamental problems the country faces and has no capacity to provide appropriate solutions in time to problems.

This is the kind of statement that comes when you look at the proposals that fall within the 2009-2010 budget based on forecasts that are totally unrealistic.

I could cite a single example is the belief that international donors will finance 60% of the budget, when the major donor countries are themselves mobilized to solve an international financial crisis that hit their own country.

If I had to give proof that the present budget estimates are based, we need only cite the case of President Préval, who recently committed the prestige of its status within a trip to Washington to go and ask 100 million dollars to supplement the budget deficit.

He returned home to the wooden bell this pilgrimage unsuccessful, with the 2 empty hands.

I think that observers officials do not blame the landlords when the daily spectacle of wasted money from the public treasury is exposed to the eyes and ears of everyone.

Does there have reason to believe that representatives of donors in the country are deaf and blind?

Does it need not wonder why Switzerland speaks to entrust the funds that are seized on behalf of the Haitian people, to non-governmental organizations?

To govern is to foresee
This is not always good to be right, especially when it is either facing a lack of wisdom of those who govern our country.

I have not stopped since 2007 to announce that the financial crisis that began with subprime in the United States, would have impacts on our country, due to the decrease in the volume of transfers of members of the diaspora.

Some government officials said privately and publicly, that there was nothing to fear. Yet it seems that an article published in Le Monde, entitled "In Latin America, the erosion of remittances is already being felt." Under the pen of the journalist, Jean-Michel Caroit starts now create panic.

The article says, I quote "Like all countries in the region, the Dominican Republic suffers from a deceleration of" remittances ", the money sent by emigrants, one of the largest sources of foreign currency and the main damper poverty.

"The remittances started to decline from August 2008 and the reduction may be drastic in the coming months," fear Freddy Ortiz, president of the Dominican Association of Business transfer funds.

Most of the transfers came from the United States (80%) and Spain (15%), two of the countries most affected by rising unemployment.

Several transfer agencies located in New York have even found a phenomenon of remittances: to survive in the United States, migrants begin to dip into their savings in banks Dominican.

Others, without hope of finding work in the United States, return home. "
The article continues to say that the situation in Haiti is worse.

Of course, it should be. For a population to 63% unemployed and 72% living below the poverty line on less than $ 2 per day, the Diaspora is the breath of life. With transfers from abroad that decrease the population is already in dire straits.

The situation will continue to get worse, because in the host country where Haitians live, governments are becoming less generous.

This applies to the United States speaking to deport more than 30,000 of our fellow citizens illegally.

This also applies to our neighboring island, the Dominican Republic, who is preparing for a mass deportation of our compatriots.

In the first phase, all those who work will receive an identification document and after that those who have no documents could be deported.

We are talking here of tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters, even hundreds of thousands.

For work areas where Haitians are agriculture, construction and tourism.

These three sectors are in decline and many workers - the first Haitians, of course - are laid off.

Yet well before the month of August 2008 marks the date of the first signs of the crisis, according to the article in Le Monde, May 5, 2008 specifically, I wrote the following:

"So, now, the Haitian community is very affected by the housing crisis which may lead to a significant drop in money transfers they make to family and friends back home. Those who had bought their houses in good conditions, often taking a second mortgage to finance the construction of a house in Haiti, their families and their retirement.

So the tendency is for them now to stop these investments.

This will slow the construction sector, the most dynamic economy ...


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Thus, it is hoped that the measures have just launched the President of the United States, Barack Obama, to stabilize its economy, slowing the fall of the real estate sector and create jobs by investing approximately 800 billion dollars in the economy, provide results fast enough to slow the layoffs hitting the Haitian community in the United States and avoid a social explosion in the country.


If since the beginning of the 19th century modernization was based on industrialization and manufacturing of mass since the last decade of the 20th century the concept is rather an effort that combines economic development and use of technology 'information and use the Internet to access a global market.

This is essential in maintaining the ability of a country to produce and exchange goods and services for its people and make them available to proximity to customers at affordable prices.

As a state increases its ability to manage and take into account the needs of their citizens, it also increases its ability to exist globally in a system where the relationship of interdependence between nations is more increasingly important for world peace and the maintenance of national sovereignty.

Our country is failing in this area and the sovereignty of the nation is now suffering the consequences.

To successfully build a modern and prosperous economy and take back our sovereignty, not only what we do is important, but also how we do it. Thus, as I already said, the government should aim to modernize the country, but also seek to modernize.

The first place that will to modernize is to appear in the Budget of the Republic, say, which should show where our priorities are and what results we want to achieve in relation to funds that are committed.

For example, children in the country can expect to have access to the Internet tomorrow, if today they have no access to basic training.

If, finally, we choose to run the program to provide basic training to all age children enter school, the budget should clearly say how much we spend on each child.

For the objectives in priority areas must be articulated and quantified accurately, both in terms of national, municipal and in terms.

It should start by defining how many students will be admitted to class for the year and that every program supporting this overall objective, establish procedures based on the capacity of each municipality.

It will then building programs of classroom versus the number of children in a joint program for the recruitment and training of teachers, amount of food offered to children at school, program of construction equipment, school libraries, etc..

If we do not know these figures to estimate the investment we need to do to achieve specific goals, we are bluffing.

It's not modern politics, but would like another, the voodoo-politics!
If basic education will be universal, we can already imagine the time when the youth of our country who has studied the information technology development through a modern environment supported by the Internet, the ability to plan locally produced computer then that will be manufactured in factories in Brazil, China and India.

These products then will be sold in North America and Europe.

For globalization also means that we can create a product on a computer with Apricots, manufacture in Hong Kong and sell it to Berlin.

In this modernization that I dream and it is on the highway of the Internet, I believe that the country can find a way out to create quality work for young people.

But we can not pass such a bet without a strong political will and determination to face the impossible.

If this is to create thousands of jobs in the country each year, it will facilitate the creation of hundreds of companies each year, too. But can we do in the state runs the Department of Commerce today, without the modernization of the public entity, for example?

Imagine it would save 10,000 businesses each year the department to establish the legal status of new entrepreneurs and give them access to incentives and funding that the state would put at their disposal in the framework of a Good Start.

Well, now, at this department, a contractor applying for a corporate name to receive its operating license must go in five old books to see if the name he has chosen has not already been chosen by someone one else before him. I must say it was the same method that was implemented in 1977 when I registered my first business.

What a deal!

I wrote in 1986 in my "Prospects for a Haitian Renaissance" that the story was dead in the countryside.

Thus, we must recognize that it is almost the same situation in the Haitian government.

Because there is no story where there is no change ...

The urgent measures ...

The country has more or immoral situations that show the spirit of solidarity that naturally binds a nation is not with us. A policy of social justice could help solve these problems.

This is where the minimum wage which is currently 70 water bottles per day (less than $ 1.80), place a worker below the poverty threshold is about 80 gourds.

Thus, we must congratulate Members Haitians and especially the Honorable Deputy Stevens Benoit who was tireless to get the vote in favor of a minimum wage increase.

And it is almost certain that the Haitian Senate will not wait too much to follow the approach initiated by the Lower House for the benefit of Haitian workers.

Other immoral situations that we must correct in the country, is that related to the universal school for children recommended by the Constitution.

It is time that a leader of the parliament stands to take head on this issue and defend the future of the country's children, especially defending a cause that is just as honorable MP Benoit just an example.

Consequently, the parliament would become an institution that gives us pride and also deserves future generations.

We must congratulate those who already support and in favor of this proposal.

This is the case for Ray Hammerton Killick, who said in an article published on the Internet that "leaders who have chosen the people should invest in people in their education.

The school will be compulsory for all children across the country.

A proposal for essential and imperative that can not wait and will also bring significant benefits to the economy: job creation in the construction of primary schools, secondary vocational and technical, cafeterias, shops, clinics, s 'education for those of our young school graduates who want as a career, need to develop a serious program of electrification of the country to serve these new buildings and make them functional, etc..

The country will finally provide the long period (10 to 20 years) workers and managers who attract the local and foreign capital.

Financial capital that seek social capital for competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

Therefore, the Constitutionalists had said that the school is universal for all children in the country.

Anyway, the only way for the country to recover from this miserable situation is through education that is the basis for the development of human capital that will make the country competitive in the region.

Increased capacity at all levels
The increase of human capital should be a priority for the nation.

So, the question of capacity gaps in the education system must be addressed at all levels.

Currently, there is a large discrepancy between the population who receives an academic and the capacity of higher education in the country.

The year 2008, for example, the Haitian State University was able to accommodate only 3000 new applicants for all 11 faculties.

When tens of thousands of graduates are not allowed to UEH and can not afford a place in the private universities of the country or abroad, it is so much dreams of professional success and personal achievements are trampled.

Nobody wants to call this distortion between supply and demand in higher education crisis, when it is. That so many small crises that accumulate jusqu'un day it will lead to a final crisis.

Why not form a joint committee to find an answer to this problem, as we are almost certain that the answer would be the proposed construction of three campuses in the treads of the three new cities would be built in the Far North, in the Great Southern and the Grand Central Canada, as provided by the initiatives we recommend.

Economic growth must be prepared for school.

Thus, a student who leaves the graduating class must know the basics of the economy, especially the economy of his community and the region where he or she lives.

Thus, we must review the curriculum to encourage pupils and students to be more creative.

We can implement all the mechanisms to help our young entrepreneurs start businesses, but they will not succeed if creativity and imagination are not important factors cultivated by their company.

The creation of modern universities must be accompanied by funding program for university training and grant programs of at least one third of the cost of training offered by the university from certain criteria and the addition could be obtained by borrowing the student who allegedly promised to repay this debt over the long term, graduation, or engaging in the civil service.

This funding should be provided directly to students through a state institution created for this purpose.

This system is already in use almost everywhere in the region and for so long that he should ask why it is not adopted in the country.

This investment in the nation in youth is the best way to prepare for the future.

If the system is achieved without the customary patronage, the student feels the need to demonstrate by his attendance at the study and determination to succeed that he deserves every cent that the state has invested in his education.

In fact, I refuse to believe that the biggest obstacle that stands in the way of such a project would be the petty interests of a few overlords of the country in private universities.

If so, it is a tragedy!
In reality, what are we talking about education?

The education system does not consist only, implement ways to ensure training and development of pupils and students in intellectual, moral and physical, but also to equip them for that, he or she can contribute to its own success and personal fulfillment through the realization of its potential, and in human terms, to contribute fully and unashamedly, the progress of his family, his community, his country and humanity.

Education should be humanistic.

Education should prepare a capable individual, a patriotic citizen and a being who is aware of the great challenges that confront our world.

For in life we are each called to do things bigger than oneself
But the first value of humanistic education is that it is available to all members of society.

When more than 50% of children born in a society without access to even basic education is a form of barbarism.

If we do not create enough opportunity for our unemployed youth, they will continue to leave this beautiful country to seek life elsewhere.

And in truth, that we have ourselves to blame, because we can now start to change the tide before it's too late! It is impossible for a country to maintain stability for a long time when over 72% of the population lives in poverty.

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Thank you,
Paul G. Magloire
February 19, 2009

Paul G. Magloire, March 11 2010, 1:32 PM

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