Salop, je suisb en Haiti et de quoi vous en parlez. Vous ne...

Mireille says...

Salop, je suisb en Haiti et de quoi vous en parlez.

Vous ne savez rien cochonne.

Il vous faut fermer votre brouche:trou de Q. Vous etes une lesbienne vous meme et je vous connais bien. Fille de pute...

The topic is: L'Agenda Cache Derriere Le Seisme: Homosexualite et Maladies
This is a reply to Msg 20167
Posted by Mireille on March 7 2010 at 10:37 PM

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Vous racontez des betises denuees de bon sens et de logique. Ce que vous racontez ne fait qu’exprimer votre frustration, votre ignorance et votre racisme. Si vous haissez tellement les americains, pourquoi ne rentrez vous pas chez vous? Vous agisse > >
Kiki, 7-Mar-10 9:18 pm
Salop, je suisb en Haiti et de quoi vous en parlez. Vous ne savez rien cochonne. Il vous faut fermer votre brouche:trou de Q. Vous etes une lesbienne vous meme et je vous connais bien. Fille de pute... > >
Mireille, 7-Mar-10 10:37 pm
Imbecile, il vous renseigner sur la biopolitique et le Darwinism social pour comprendre ses idees la. Vous etes loin de comprendre le racisme blanc et les maladies dont souffre les African-Americans. L'homosexualite est nee de la prison et c'etait > >
Carole, 7-Mar-10 10:48 pm
Really, really, Paulette, this is what you have to bring as a conversation to this blog. With people dying of natural disasters all over the world, your going to be shoving some anti homosexual bull on us. Have you no soul, no sense of decency at all > >
Linda, 8-Mar-10 12:29 am
You are a lesbian and you want homosexuality to be spread in Haiti. Shame on you morone. You have no sense of decency and sanity at all. As a lesbian, you want to open the country to those criminals to discriminate Haitians like the African-Americans > >
Paulette, 8-Mar-10 12:56 am
OOOOK, I should have realized that I was dealing with a crazy. So long. > >
Linda, 8-Mar-10 1:17 am
A lesbian in the closet will stay lesbian forever. You cannot hide yourself Linda. I will call you tomorrow and I will talk to you straight ok. > >
Carline P. St-surin, 8-Mar-10 1:56 am
no. let her stay in the closet. The good news is not that Linda will be coming out but that the American military is getting out of Haiti and is finished helping those nasty Haitians. It was different when I lived and worked there back in early 198 > >
Bob, 8-Mar-10 2:46 am
Here I am sitting in the office, feeling demoralized from getting stood up over the weekend by a beautiful woman, I am hungry, and feeling nauxious at the same time, but I still find the energy laughing my but off from reading these moronic, idiotic, > >
Tiba, 8-Mar-10 9:29 am
Bob, Can you please shut the hell up. Who cares the American military left Haiti? Since when the Americans use to do anything good for Haiti after all Haiti has done for the United States? The United States is the only country on the planet with n > >
Tiba, 8-Mar-10 9:45 am
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