Conditions For Reinstatement of HaitianCitizenship

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Before the Haitian Congress

This is only a summary translation of the draft.

I sent the original text to some people.

Try to get your own copy. But, please PLEASE keep names confidential.



1. The issue of Haitian multiple-citizenship is a matter of national security for Haiti.

2. Haitian-born citizens who have previously rejected Haiti by swearing alleg1ance to foreign nations must make a specific petition directly to the Haitian Government who will study each case individually by opening proper investigation on each petitioner in Haiti and abroad.

3. Qualified petitioners must have resided in the country for at least one full calendar year prior to starting the procedure of the Petition for reinstatement of Haitian citizenship.

4. The petitioners must also register and fully comply with the requisites of designated Centers Of Rehabilitation for Haitian Citizenship Reinstatement before pre-qualification and Government consideration.

5. Upon pre-qualification, the Haitian Government may then transfer each case with results of the investigation for each case to a designated Haitian Immigration and Citizenship Judge for additional considerations.

6. Designated Haitian Immigration and Citizenship Judge may require additional mandates to the Court's discretion prior to pre-approval.

7. Petitioners who are pre-approved by the designated Haitian Judge must enter a probation period no less than three additional years and no more than four additional years.

8. After full compliance with probation time and mandate, the Court may signify its final approval for reinstatement of full Haitian citizenship according the Haitian Constitution and the applicable Haitian Law.
9. Petitioners must show proof of surrendering their passports to countries who adopted them.
10. This does not apply to Haitian-born citizens who may have been adopted by foreign countries or entities that did not oblige them to reject their faithfulness to the Haitian Flag or the Constitution.

Additions / Haitian swearing / oath for petitioners:

Je affirme par la presente et je sermente que je renounce et ab!ure, abso1ument et tota11ement a toutes les a11egeances et fide1ites a n'importe que1 pays, prince, potentat, etat ou souverainete etranger incluant les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, de 1aque11e ou desquels j'ai jusqu'ici ete un sujet ou un citoyen;
que je soutiendrai et defenderai 1a Constitution Haitienne est 1es 1ois de la Repub1ique d'Haiti contre tous 1es ennemis, etrangers et domestiques;
Que je soutiendrai 1a foi et et l'a11egeance vraies a 1a meme chose;
Que j'assurerai 1e service de non-combattant dans 1es Forces Armees d'Haiti quand requis par 1a loi;
Que j'effectuerai 1e travai1 d'importance nationa1e sous la direction civi1e quand requis par 1a 1oi Haitienne;
Et cele je prends 1ibrement cet engagement sans aucune 1imite morale ou but de m'evader;
Que Dieu me vienne en aide."


They just contact me because my office has been re-opened.

Carmelle Capoise, February 19 2010, 8:45 AM

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Carmelle Capoise, I would advise you to stop smoking whatever you're smoking before it kills you. You are... read more >
Tiba, 19-Feb-10 12:18 pm
I come to the conclusion that the Haitian diaspora should slap the Haitian constipation (oops! I meant the Haitian... read more >
Tiba, 19-Feb-10 12:30 pm
The first one we should get ride of is the oppresor. The one who cause that we have rthis kind of constipation or... read more >
Robert P. Toussaint, 19-Feb-10 4:13 pm
There is no need to restore Haitian citizenship. Dessalines states that true Haitians are born from Haitian mothers... read more >
The Black Knight, 20-Feb-10 6:03 pm
You said it right. love you read more >
Docole, 22-Feb-10 12:02 pm
This is complete non-sense. This is just another racket POUR DETROUSSER LA DIASPORA. If you're serious about... read more >
Janjan, 22-Feb-10 12:30 pm
Black Night, you are so right. Are you guys aware that the constitution that we are talking about today was actually... read more >
Linda, 25-Feb-10 10:31 am


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