Why are you playing the elites'conspiracy game and the...

Dessalines The Avenger says...

Why are you playing the elites'conspiracy game and the international community?

They will be glad if we could bring down this stupid regime, but will they turn the country back to its owners?

You need to think about that. Are you calling for an external colonization?

Do you want to end the current Black puppet president by replacing him by a light skinned Haitian that can get full administrative and political controls over the state of Haiti?

Do you want Brandt, Madsen, Mews, Brown, Saliba, Castera, Biggio, Accra and Baker to be the new head of the Haitian country to end the doublure administration of Rene Preval?

I would be glad to the end of the doublure regime with only only light skinned Haitians at all levels for complete executive powers, but who would benefit the most?

Why don't you call for the resignation of all Haitian CEOs within all Haiti's public institutions for drastic reforms?

What kind of regime do you want to take place in Haiti?

Presidentialism like Dominican Republic and the U.S. or continuation of that Parliamentary System, Kingdomship, or a combination of both, you must tell us what are you looking for since you and Lynda do not want this regime anymore.

What do you want?

Chaos or a stable country?

Preval's term is almost over why are you so worried?

Do you like Coup D'etats?

When can we stop calling for Coup D'etats?

I do not like any of those Haitian regimes, but I want the forced departure of any presidents to end. Why do you want an elected president to leave?

Why do you want positive results so quick?

What is your agenda behind your hatred toward the regime?


The topic is: France: Fernandez comme proxy Préval son satrape.
This is a reply to Msg 19447
Posted by Dessalines The Avenger on February 12 2010 at 8:20 PM

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Melissa, I am amazed and proud to read a Haitian, male or female, who can think and write such a powerful, extremely well argued, analysis. The only problem is that this is just one more of the many analysis on Haiti that came up short of a solution. > >
Linda, 12-Feb-10 5:22 pm
Linda, You've asked "How do we, without violence, get rid of those imbeciles who are now part of his government?" It is very easy to do. We need to give the Haitian people more credit than that. The people need to take the streets and force him > >
Tiba, 12-Feb-10 7:54 pm
Why are you playing the elites'conspiracy game and the international community? They will be glad if we could bring down this stupid regime, but will they turn the country back to its owners? You need to think about that. Are you calling for an exter > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 12-Feb-10 8:20 pm
Dessalines The Avenger, You keep going all over the place and you lost me. You've asked why do I want Preval's regime to go so much? I am then asking you, why don't you want Preval's regime to go? It is because you would lose the opportunity to > >
Tiba, 12-Feb-10 10:15 pm
Tiba, that is just wishful thinking. Those in he Haitian government don't care if the poor people protest, and we know that the elite in Haiti are not going to throw away this bone they've been sucking on by protesting against it. Furthermore, street > >
Linda, 12-Feb-10 10:25 pm
I am not making any money as you claim and I am not acquainted to Preval's gang. How many times we have regime change in Haiti and what did we get Tiba? I am not a fan of Aristide and Manigat, but I was against their forced departure. If you cannot w > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 13-Feb-10 12:12 am
Dessalines The Avenger, Is it possible you are Emmanuel Constant? Anyway, you make me laugh reading the last paragraphs of your message. Sir Dessalines, you have proven how much most of us Haitians are lack of politics understanding. You respon > >
Tiba, 13-Feb-10 7:47 am
Linda, I certainly thought through all of these potential variables, but sometimes, extreme situations call for extreme measures. I don't really think there is a right time to deal with this pressing matter. And frankly, I feel that if US would > >
Tiba, 13-Feb-10 8:09 am
The Advenger, you are so typical. You grandstand about what you will do and wont do. You suffer from the same disease as many Haitians; you are insecure and constantly feel the need to showoff what you have and don't have. As far as we on this blog k > >
Linda, 13-Feb-10 10:54 am
Melissa, vos ecrits ont temoigne fort bien votre etalage de connaissance a travers une langue qui, semble-t-il, vous est tres familiere. Mais ceux qui connaissent la mentalite haitienne peuvent aisement cataloguer votre effusion de mots comme simple > >
Kiki, 13-Feb-10 9:01 pm
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