I agree with you that Haitians should be themselves as claimed...

Guirlene C. Baron says...

I agree with you that Haitians should be themselves as claimed Dr. Price Mars. Our local elites and the White men are the nuisance of Haiti.

Both are responsible in our abject poverty.

We should think other exit strategies to take our destiny at hands...

The topic is: jailed christians
This is a reply to Msg 19408
Posted by Guirlene C. Baron on February 11 2010 at 5:36 PM

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That is a threat! Because your government is helping, its citizen, or anybody including the missionary have the right to remove children illegally from the country? You bastards had been long telling the world how lawless is Haiti. Your first words > >
Ti Malice, 11-Feb-10 10:25 am
Hey J Mel, I had a good laugh at your message. Actually, I'm still laughing. I'm laughing because I can actually see you for what you are. Let me describe you for everyone else on this site. You're a white-trash white American who is actually a nobod > >
Linda, 11-Feb-10 2:24 pm
Lol, Linda that was quite a punch! I wanted to say something similar but I'm trying to remain positive over the next few days. The other day you wrote a post about the abusive relationship the US has had with Haiti, I read an article on BBC about the > >
Zac, 11-Feb-10 5:31 pm
I agree with you that Haitians should be themselves as claimed Dr. Price Mars. Our local elites and the White men are the nuisance of Haiti. Both are responsible in our abject poverty. We should think other exit strategies to take our destiny at hand > >
Guirlene C. Baron, 11-Feb-10 5:36 pm
Zac, our brothers and sisters in Haiti don't know any better. You can't blame them for not knowing; you have to blame the idiot who was supposed to be running the country. Illiteracy and ignorance is the only reason their in power, so they wont ever > >
Linda, 11-Feb-10 5:42 pm
I just checked Dr. Price Mars' books on Amazon.com my goodness, this is Highway robbery his books are outrageously expensive. I saw a used one for as much as 149 us dollars. > >
Zac, 11-Feb-10 5:54 pm
My responce wasn't a threat!! You obviously took it the wrong way I don't believe I said any were in my blog its ok to harm children or any one for that matter as a father I am appauled at your responce its people like you that make us erogant Americ > >
J Melchor, 11-Feb-10 6:05 pm
Hey Zac, you're probably looking at an early edition. Try to get one of the new reprints; it should be about $30-40. > >
Linda, 11-Feb-10 7:02 pm
Please realize if we were in your situation I would be upset at our government too, so please don't mistake my concern for our people who were only trying to help. I think in a situation were the children were obviously allowed to be with the mission > >
J Melchor, 11-Feb-10 10:39 pm
J Melchor, I find your arrongance to be the size of Canada. Please don't let it get over your pea head to the point that it will explode. Just because you claim to be an American so Haitians should start worship you or scared of you or something. > >
Tiba, 12-Feb-10 8:27 am
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