Parliament chaise vide

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Who could believe that such poor hungry mass of people would take line and wait to send people in parliament only for them to collect a check.

This is unacceptable in the new Haiti.

The Haitian Media must rise to the task and find those PMs and question their will.

The Haitian people has the right to know why a man should receive a check every month only to drive big SUV and be merry.

It is outragious that such behaviour should be allowed in country that is just trying to rise from the ashes.Mr. President, we want to know what mechanism is in place for the Haitian people to recuperate money that are spent on empty chairs in parliament.

It is obvious that these people want to place this country in a new crisis that is not necessary.

Please I beg you find ways to emphasize this as areal problem that need a radical solution.

We cannot afford to pay any body who is playing lazy with Haitian people.

We cannot afford this any longer.

Louinel Jean, April 11 2007, 1:37 PM

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