What Haitians are doing right

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In the Daytona Beach, FL News-Journal newspaper (www.news-journalonline.com) there is story about U.S. medical ship Comfort and an American servicemans comments about serving on the ship and below the article is comment section and the first comment is by "jaque-haiti" and he says: "Please protect us from the missionaries that are trading Jesus for a sandwich." and to this comment I say Amend.

Haiti government has done a couple of things right.

They have prevented U.S. forces from landing on the Presidential palace grounds and they have arrested a group of Baptist "Christian" child kidnappers attempting to leave Haiti with children they had picked up under false pretense they were going to some "camp" when the group had planned to "sell" them for adoption and for profit.

Haiti should prosecute these American Christians and to voice you support don't post at this website but contact the government directly at these email addresses: haiti at oas.org and embassy at haiti.org. Your support is needed to assure Americans learn a lesson about the kidnapping of little helpless Haitian children needed for the future of Haiti.

I am now a convert to Voodoo and those willing to help me learn about it please contact me.

Earl Wheby Jr., February 1 2010, 5:33 AM

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