where is the president and the cabinet after this

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I'm looking at the devastation that's just happened in Haiti about two days ago and I'm hurt because i have family members that have passed away in the rubbles and i'm upset to see so many that have lost all of their family members and homes.

I'm asking myself if the Haitian people ever had a president and a cabinet.

At an interview with CNN which i don't think Mr. the president even undertood the question, he claimed he was going home at first then later changed the story.

I know my country was not ready for the catastrophy, no one could have predicted such thing.

At least, the country could have had something in place even if it's not much. Please tell me, what does the president and the cabinet do. How do they make sure the people are cared for and that the country is secure.

Where is the press conference reassuring the people that things are going to be ok. Where is the meeting with the cabinet and the intelligence agency to map out where the people affected can go for help or just to be away from the devastation.

Growing up in Haiti, i was thought to hold my head up high and to be proud of who i am. I was told the blood of Dessalines, Toussaint, and Petion runs through my vains and we are the first black country to have an emperor.

All those things made me think i was strong, hardworking and powerful.

Now the Haitian government is constantly begging others for support.

How can we be respected by others when we are constantly begging like a homeless/child on the streets for money, food, and water.

I don't know what happened to our sense of pride and hardworks but we definately need to do something about it.

Marjorie Archeloise, January 14 2010, 12:45 AM

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The Incompetence of the Haitian government is beyound my imagination. his interview on CNN was embarassing, not only... read more >
Jay, 14-Jan-10 1:46 am
The woman who gave birth to Preval must be taking a belt to her own hide or digging her own grave out of shame. I mean... read more >
Linda, 14-Jan-10 1:55 am
A leader not only must provide managerial capabilities, but must motivate and inspire his people. Haitit need his head... read more >
Antonioj, 14-Jan-10 8:47 am
Marjorie Archeloise I am so very sorry that you lost family in this great devastation. Thank God, I finally have signs... read more >
Tiba, 14-Jan-10 10:40 am
A leader not only must provide managerial capabilities, but must motivate and inspire his people. Haitit need his head... read more >
Antonioj, 14-Jan-10 1:49 pm
We cannot only blame Prevalfor this unfortunate event. The mulatto executives within the Haitian Administration are... read more >
Mathilda S. Jean-marie, 14-Jan-10 3:13 pm
Preval's Cabinet, what cabinet? I guess the cabinet that is made up of middle schoolers brains with no sense of... read more >
Jay, 14-Jan-10 11:29 pm


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