Tiba, every time I stop crying, I start all over again when I...

Linda says...

Tiba, every time I stop crying, I start all over again when I think of all those people and their pain. When Haiti had that devastating flood, I went in many parts of the back country (the deep mountain areas) and I spoke with many of the people who had lost everything.

It was so sad, but I was still able to do it. This time though, I think there's so much devastation and death that I am even afraid of going and facing it. How do those who survive this insane devastation continue to survive.

What will they eat and drink?

I know that the international agencies will help get through the main crisis, but what happens once they're gone and what remains of Haiti is still completely unlivable.

By the way people if you're tired of hearing CNN talk about "the poorest nation in the western hemisphere" got to MSNBC.

They report the news, but don't keep referring to Haiti as "the poorest..." And they have better pictures of the situation.

This is a reply to Msg 18118
Posted by Linda on January 13 2010 at 1:50 AM

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Mathieu you really are a hateful man I cannot believe in this time of tragedy in Haiti you are still bring race into the situation why don't you crawl back under the rock you came from because today is not the day for you to be spewing your hatred o > >
Zac, 12-Jan-10 5:42 pm
You post us telling of a sick and hateful person. I feel sorry for you. May God help you overcome your sickness and help all the people of Haiti. Dwitt > >
Dwitt, 12-Jan-10 7:29 pm
In light of all of these natural desasters that Haiti has experienced in the last 5 years and now this catastrophy, I am starting to wonder if God really give a *amn or just give a rat *ss about Haiti. It seem to me that Haiti has been singled out > >
Tiba, 12-Jan-10 7:52 pm
Mathieu Derisse, what a sad pathetic person you are. You can't even feel true compassion for other people. If you could, you would not be thinking about idiotic color issues at this time. What a very tiny person you are. > >
Linda, 12-Jan-10 11:59 pm
At this of time unity, I should not be fighting with you, but you are a worm and you do not understand my call for unity. My heart and my compassion goes to the crooks as well as to the other 98% of true and patriotic Haitians who wanted the best Hai > >
Mathieu Derisse, 13-Jan-10 1:07 am
You are mentally sick and it is difficult to make you understand reasons. God knows how to take care of a hateful person like you. God will help Haiti come to sanity. You are one of the crooks that keeps humiliating Haiti. Now, God shows that we are > >
Mathieu Derisse, 13-Jan-10 1:21 am
Tiba, every time I stop crying, I start all over again when I think of all those people and their pain. When Haiti had that devastating flood, I went in many parts of the back country (the deep mountain areas) and I spoke with many of the people who > >
Linda, 13-Jan-10 1:50 am
Mulattoes' scare tactics do not impress me at all. I was calling for a progressive reform by kicking out all the executive mulattoes of the Doublure Administration of Haiti and not hatred and violence as you are advocating it. I knew God would punish > >
Mathieu Derisse, 13-Jan-10 2:05 am
You're right Linda CNN is pissing me off every single time they mention the word Haiti they feel it necessary to add poorest country in America. I would love to go and volunteer if you know of any serious groups going let me know. > >
Zac, 13-Jan-10 6:30 am
Linda This is one devastation that tears cannot stop flowing down my face. I am extremely emotional and extremely angry at God but most importantly at all the Haitian governments that have failed the country so miserably. I know this is not the ti > >
Tiba, 13-Jan-10 7:10 am
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