A Honset critic of the Haitian people

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This is writing to give the reader a honest critic of the Haitian people history and culture which very Haitian themselves don't know. what I found to be very surprising is that they don't know their culture, history or land lay out. If you where to walk up to one in ask, how many department, islands and cities belong to Haiti.

The department you would get nine, after the rest they can't answer, who was the first president, how many coupe, how many president live there long after their term, what are the list of the class of group that live there, where did the revolution being, how many people was left after the fighting had stop, what other country did they help fight in the revolution, what cities did they secure outside of Haiti, what was taking place when they broke free of Napoleon the great, how many occupation, which occupation knock the air out of the nation an utter failer, that still is a problem for the nation till this very day. The saddest thing is that they have become fictionial zombie character that came from their land, they gave the world a word that industrialize nation would turn their government into zombies.

What I am about to explain is as painful for to me to admit, but it must be done cause it is a cry for change, a cry for justice, and a cry for consciousness and land where it is lacking.

Haiti is the most misunderstood nation in the western hemisphere, the image of the people struggle to make an horrible living off their sweat distorted into helpless.

The only country in the Western Hemisphere where their rural area is display for the world to see and embarrass the poverty stricken ones. The truth must be told they are poor but have the strongest work ethics in all of Haiti.

The bucks on their head are fruit in vegetable that they have bought from their farm to sell, to send their kids to school, buy clothe, food, pay rent, and maybe a visit or two to the doctor when one fall sick. The media in America, Canada, France, England, and other western develop nation would diplay those image to belittle them. How a person that claim to be reasonable humiliated that which feel real bad about their situation, I wish everyone would realize they feel bad enough they don't need cameras in their faces taking footage to beam back to their country in away of saying look at this your better off than those Haitian, now that's not fair. They have never had the chance.

Not one person ever had had the best interest of those poor people who cry so many tears.

I pray for the Western Media to mature in this the sensetionize of the Haitian nation that is all entertainment rather than investigated reporting, let's get real for a second Haiti brand as the poorest nation in the Western Hemiphere is a joke there are poorer nation in western hemisphere in it's not Haiti, but because the Haitian have this way of taking everything as a joke so this is what you get the poorest of them all, not until the Haitian nation start to shake some of these title, brand and any other claim which is fault of them. Ah politic is what they say, that is costing them jobs, housing, schools, cars, the worst thing is that they don't realize people go by what they hear. I recall reading this research off one of one those journals that state that you only need to hear it twenty time on twenty first time it's true to whoever is listing.

So, how many time have they heard that place is poor, disease fill, illiterate, corrupt government and something bad always happen there it rain all the time in that land, hum that is question.

They better get a handle on this negative image of theirs, which got world treating them pretty bad. I see it all the time the way people act around, silly rabbit it cool to have Haitian people friend just not in in front of the world because you know what is said about that place is disease, death, voodoo, and poverty.

1920 the national geographic wrote that 80% of the Haitian nation had very contagious disease, sound familiar to you. Why not move this rumor to people living there with HIV. Like I said the Haitian nation has been a silence group that has never challenge anything negative being said about their group period, guess what it won't stop until they open their mouth or write those news outlet.

The Haitian has been accused of being cannibalism, which is myth. Then again in every country there is 1% disturb that does this evil act everywhere on planet earth.

Here is a quick list of what is being said about them and I will get off the subject cause I think you'll get the picture on how important it is to shake the rumors off them in reintroduce their country and people to the world.

1. Boat load of infectious diseases people 2. incapable of self-rule 3. Lawless 4. something is wrong with their brain 5. inferiors 6.reject 7. Button of tolled poll of the human race 8.ugly 9. mifits 10.smelly 11. starvating 12.disgusting 13.fowl.

14.evil 15. superstation 16.poorest in western hemisphere 17.dire poverty 18. Whitch craft 19.demons.

20.HIV 21.TB 22. voodoo people 23.dogs 24 illiterate 25. Social issues 26 ecological issues 27 economic issues 28 waste of human life. 29 Death to them all. 30 restavak being call slave.

31 slum 32 shanty town 33huts 34 no medical system 35 no education system 36 no child protection on the books 37 child prostitution 38 95% peasant, 40 welfare nation 41 fail state 42 inferior food is grown there 43 they can't even feed their selves 44 third world country 45 people die of curable diseases 46 drunk dirty water 47 Haiti smell like rioting eggs 48 have no choice but to make outside of Haiti cause there nothing in their land 49 all dark skin Haitian are peasant 50 can we bomb them off the face of the earth.

As you can see I can go on and on about what is taught about them. The sad thing is that they realize it, How sad is that. I like I said they are in need of makeover, only the best the RP firm in the world can repair their image.

The Haitian history is being rewritten right under their noses.

Their putting all kind of things that happen in all black history outside of Haiti into the history books.

How did that happen, while the areas which Haiti never provide school for those causal one white people that come to Haiti from countries where the black was treated really bad assume the same for Haiti the only problem is the revolution how do they explain that, they even to write it, so they say there was a short fight it was over and you became a nation.

in reality that short war they clam last for 15 years and became the first independent black nation in the western hemisphere.

The good news the real history is there uncut in unedited by white foreigner, the problem is getting your hands on it. Haiti a nation that is full of secrete, it's like boxes inside of boxes and that beside will wear you out.
I recall reading this book call a prince in Haiti, I have to let you know it was a fictional book.
Ok, now that's out the way. I promise you will laughs to see how this guy include all kind of European people into it. It was the most funny fictional book about Haiti I ever read, for real. I think the reason it was funny was that he was try to pin a place of birth for Henry Christopher, I'll say this much he had an over active imagination, for real. I am recommending all Haitian to read this funny fictional book call A prince in Haiti.

Funny, funny book, for real.
I recall one day catching a bus at the age of nine years old. In this guys ask me what language was me in my friend was speaking in said Creole, "so your Haitian" he said. Yeah, I taught weird.

He said, "How is the oldest black republican in western hemisphere doing today".

What are you talking about?

"Haiti." He saw my surmise look on my face. he said, "you don't know your history, what a pity it so rich, what I gave to be from birth place of Toussaint, Dessalines, Henry Christopher and those 400,00 brave men that change the face of the world forever." What are you talking man?

He laugh in said," you're not serious little one are you." "The biggest African contribution to black world happen in your land in you don't know it. That explain a lot about you Haitian people, wow what pity."
I guess they wear you guys out after all or maybe you'll say their nothing left to fight about.

To me it seem like you'll won the fight but not the battle.

At least you guys won the right the fight because of that we have little to be thank of. He took my hands in look me deep in my eyes squeezing my hands hard saying" read your history until you feel comfortable enough to define who you are, cause you're going to need it, welcome to jungle".

What the heck I taught, as I pull my hands away. I feel him tag back as I try to escape his death squeeze on my hands.

He said," by reading your history you will see what went wrong, terrible wrong.

It was a great black nation.

now, look at it bagging for bread, what happen there.'' I look back at this guy he had the saddest look I ever saw a day in my life. He new more about Haiti, than I did.

That disturb me so much that I rain home and started to ask question about Haiti, everybody in the house wanted to know what got into me. I couldn't explain, all I knew I was giving marching orders to read all about Haiti that I can find. After that very encounter I was about find out that guy I had behind mind label as a nut case wasn't.
It funny how the truth will find us. One of the problems I had when I started to read about Haiti was the blockage I face. In the beginning it seem like all books on Haiti was negative that bother me as time went on, I almost gave up. One of my teacher said," I heard you plan to read about your country maybe this book will help".

It was the "Black Jacobin.

"that book was somewhat hard to understand for nine year child.

So, I don't recommending for children under 16 years.

The best thing he said is I can keep it. I found some kiddies' books on the subject one call Duvalier the president of Haiti.

To be honest it was nice and easy to read. I luck out in the late 80's cause at that time was the peck or should I say the rebirth of Haitian literature for children.

so many books was being writing for the kids to reader cause so many children was curious about their parent homeland.

praying and hoping it was more than what was on news, news paper and magazine.

I can't lie reading about Haiti has been rewarding in also heart breaking at the same time. I can see so many time were we repeat our pass. It's true that a person or nation that study it's past is destine to repeat it's pass. unfortunate Haiti has been doing just that for the last 208 year of it's existence, repeating it mistakes over and over.
let's take next door for example after they were set it free from spain.

the people stay in the union for almost 50 years all along claim city by city for the crown of spain.

one day they wake up in spain was next door in it's colony as if it had never been set free, it they had pain attention to what took place they have mind their business.

which they didn't, we Haitian have a way of helping all those that will treat us like trash.

I pray that Haitian learn to mind Haitian affair cause I have seem the way the world view us in guess what, they don't like us one bit. who can blame them. people that hate own fellow Haitian and the world hate all Haitian, so who love and is in the best interest of the Haitian that is the question here. no one.

we have problem here, it this trend continue.

Let me address the love of foreign land in Haiti.

Well back in the 1930's the Haitian elite would travel to France, and America for vacation.

stay gone for a month or two; most of the time if the woman was pregnant she would have her child in those countries not on purpose.

now the poor underclass would notice a new born baby and for some dam reason took that as a sign of wealth.

I guess the fact they couldn't get a visa out of Haiti, so therefore anybody that did had money.

Now, the elite help establish this sick view of industrialize nation in the eye of the Haitian in Haiti whether they realize or not they play a big hand in those people getting on boats trying to get the hell out of Haiti.

How is that you ask. well when they came back to Haiti with three to four suitcase full of clothes.

change every three hour, different scent of perfume, shoes, and assocories.

nothing but the trendies clothes, which could not be found in Haiti but over sea was on their backs.

everywhere they went hand out a hundred dollar bills here in there.

now they poor class is watching all of this with envy in their eyes. in their hearts if I could go to America, Canada and France I would come back with nice clothes, shoes, smell good all the time, and hand out money.

showing I am the boss men/women around here. so you see they set the ground rule on how one should act when they get back to Haiti unaware that they were doing that in their own land.
you better know there is power in perception, the poor didn't hear the friends of the elite ask to see how foreign money look like. Now, since the elite didn't have any plan to go back overseas anytime some would say "hey, I'll trade you America, Canada, and France money, if you give Haitian money cause those aren't worth nothing here." the sad fact is that the poor didn't hear that part of the conversation.

they just saw the end transaction when the foreign note transfer hands, or maybe it's what they really paying attention too.
Now, these days it lower class, la pep( the public) who is keeping this aspect of the Haitian culture alive.

many of the elite, aristocrats and social class have wising up over the years in saw the stupidity in what they were doing to their own country, people, and culture.

Far as la pep( the public) they are traveling now, bring back those precious three to four suite full of clothes, shoes, and prefume that their mother, and father fill their head up of status.

they use their visa to have kids outside of Haiti on purpose, pass out foreign money, ok let's get real they send foreign money in Haiti as a mark of great status.

as the elite, aristocrats and social class look on with disbelieve.

I couldn't believe that, when I went there in 2004. I laugh so hard that, I think I made myself cried cause it was so sad. BET was playing on the television, a lot of America, Canada and France movie was playing on the television.

The strangest think I ever saw was this white guy, I am not sure where he was from, but I do know he wasn't Haitian.

they act like whatever another white person looking for something to dig up in this place to put on their new station in their country.

for the first time I exhale, tears flow through my eye like a volcano erupting.

I said " what do you guys mean", as I seat on the second floor patio seeping coffee glazing at the sun going down.
this little girl told me, you are so funny.

I said why?

she reply, " this place call Haiti is got so much secret if someone can answer it they would be the wise person on planet earth.

uh interesting from a child image that

what I found to be a fallacy about Haiti is that a person go to Haiti and do a charity work that affect let say any where from 500 to 1,000 people come back to America in act like they just cure all Haiti of particular issue or crisis, now that sad.

Haiti, a place where the poor is exploited by their own first and the world.

Imagine a hungry adult that can't read, write, or have shelter is taking advantage for sheer profit of anthropagist, that pretend to care for them.

Giving a pass by their government to walk freely, with camera to take pictures, or sound bytes footage to dehumanilize the victim on the world stage.The person is well aware of their condition need not to be reminded of the pain, terror, shame, loneless, hungery, and the degrading condition of life itself, has dealt them a curel hand. Hear promises made, in see no result from their politician of a brighter tomorrow.

Instead occupation is their reward for believing in false hope that may be this time it well go right.

Bullets in the street run for cover, what have they done, to deserve this kind of treatment.

Who have they harm or offend.

Hell, the peasant live in the slum, and ghetto.

Which we all know is a place of despair, hopelessness, stuffing, shame, poverty, diseases, hungry, and death.

All cause a politician didn't listen to some develop nation wish or desire in Haiti, a place that should be run by Haitian for Haitian with the interest of the nation in mind. No, no, no that's not the way it work here .The politician listen to the wishes of the most powerful in the West Hemisphere, which the policies has cause the country not to develop.

In the same aspect the country is being brand has the poorest in the west hemisphere, absurd poverty, medical, and education is in none existence basic human needs and worst of all they are trying to attach slavery to Haiti.

This land were slavery has been out law for the last 210 years.

All for the missionary workers, charity organization can use this place as a charity case. Who wouldn't feel bad for a place like this that can't self govern their selves, which is far from the truth.

The politician aids them in this game of cruelty.

Sooner or later the Haitian elite will have to answer to some kind of higher power of their evil deed here. They get a cut of the money so those people can get all footage they want. The so call Christian, Writes mean spirited books about the country, which has destroy their imagine worldwide, as they profit in exploiting the weak, fragile, victim all in this game of greed for money.

Haiti elite don't gave a dame about those underserved class call the peasant, they don't speak French or write.

The Elite believe that the peasant are Morons, they are not worth the breath they breath.

What a waste of life?

That is why they had create a two language system in their country, to have two class .one that is a pleasant which live in the rural area, to planet food, do the labor job in ask no question.

Just do as they were told, by the Elite the Burogriose the French speaker and reader, affluent.

Everything French is of great interest to them, costumes, literature, music, art, whine and honey the attitude they have master.

Unaware of the pain or should I say don't gave a dam cause you see their kids will go off to one of the develop nations for college/university and work there.

The good live is for their family and close friend.

They are the only one that is entitle to human right, a descend one. In their mind who cares about those poor slum, ghetto man/woman feeling about going to bed another day without food.
They will look you in your eyes in tell I don't feel sorry for them at all, not even for a second.

How cruel is that?

The Elites that play a great deal in the pain of the less fortunate in Haiti and don't gave a rat's dam about it. Now ask yourself, Why would the child of the Elite person in Haiti that has everything they could imagine, take $700 a month to create an organization?

For what, a better Haiti; I laugh every time I think about this. Let's get this right your parents, grandparents, great grandparents and as far back to 1779 has done everything in their power to keep the peasant section intact.

Use the sovereignty of the nation for their advantage, while the masses stuffer and now they wonder why is it that when they leave Haiti, to live in one of the industrialize nation that there is power in unity of a group.

That the group that sick together get their way all the time. Bingo, It would be good for all Haitian that live in those new countries to show up for this new found Haitian unity .How funny is that, the same people that did everything in their power to kept the poor weak, underserved and didn't gave a dam. Now want to talk about Haitian unity

Laughing as I write, those people are too funny.

I hear them on the Haitian radio station talking about "we Haitian don't stick together, we need to cause you they like us at all".

My favorite is "there is strength in number", how funny is that. Did they ever bother to look around in see who they are making this big request of, the one's effect by the cruelty of their family members that was in power down Haiti, fun, how the table has turn on those low down dirty dogs that eat shit for a living.

I know my feeling shouldn't get catch up in this paper, but I can't help myself.

My blood boil inside of me every time I see their kids in America, Canada and Europe living the good life as they leave sheer pain behind for the causal one the peasant, who they sold down the river for few pennies if you ask me. Where hell is there any kind of human decencies left in those demons.

Now, that they have found this new thing call Haitian unity again, for their self interest.

Doesn't this sound familiar to you; it does to me. The Haitian Revolution, where they pretend that all would be well. One big happy family living in peace in harmony for the betterment of African and colored race in Haiti, so it was so posed to be. Those people are full of tricks up their sleeves that they never seem to surprise me at all. I wonder if the eat cruelty for a living cause their deeds are as wick as any demon or serpent of hell on their own people.

they have the balls to say to the peasant off spring that was born outside of Haiti or rise from birth outside of that place, "why are we at each other necks day in day out, why can't we get along, we all are Haitian aren't we".

Bulls***, we were all was Haitian in Haiti, when your family stole all the riches from the land in send you too industrialize nation to be educated while many people can't even afford food less than school and the supply that comes with for their kids to go to school.

Like dogs they got on boats to leave to find high ground for their kids to go school have basic human needs to be met, since your kind decide to play a color game light skin verse dark skin or better yet African looking peasant verse European looking off spring.

Whatever the hell it is to you guys I don't gave a dam I just want to write my peace down on paper real quick before I forget how much a dirty bastard those burogroises of Haiti are.

Nunu, December 5 2009, 8:22 PM

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