I live with wisdom

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Reply to Msg 1676

The definition of wisdom is knowledge; it does mean somebody who is quiet, muet, or an individual who lets people step on his toes. You just have the wrong definition of wisdom and I would like you to reconsider your thought regarding the word.

I was born after 1957. However I grew up under the Duvalier regime, and left Haiti under the same regime.

The Preval and Aristide government open the door to democracy.

Some people might see things differently.

I don't have any problem with uneducated people; my mother, uncles, and aunts do not know how to read; they are smart in different ways. But I would like some individuals to recognize their possiblilities thinking what they know and do not know.

I can't discuss medical issues with a physician because I am not. I have to listen to what he has to say. I am not an Engineer, I have to know it and shut my mouth whenever an Engineer is talking.

If I am not musician, I can't discuss music issues with a professional like Edy Brisseaux, Boulot Valcourt, Beethova Obas or Reginal Polycard etc I need to shut my mouth and listen.

Some people ignore completement what they do not know, and these people really get on my nerve.

In this way I am the biggest Dictator on earth.

I will tell them to shut up from east to west from south to north etc. An individual who ignores what he does not know is more dangerous than any terriorist.

I will not post a comment because I have a computer; I need to be informed at least 50 percent of what I have to say.

If I can't drive a plane, I can't take 350 people on board and fly with them.



robert magic

Robert Magic, March 16 2007, 11:07 AM

Topic: Preval est le plus INCOMPETENT des presidents haitiens

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Comme tu l'as dit deja: quand on ne sait rien, on se taie. Certaines gens ne savent pas de quoi ou de qui ils parlent... read more >
Robert Magic, 15-Mar-07 10:35 am
Tu n'as rien dit de bon. Tu es nettement anime par l'esprit de critique et ta pensee peut detruire toute une nation... read more >
Robert Magic, 15-Mar-07 11:03 am
Comme tu l'as dit deja: quand on ne sait rien, on se taie. Certaines gens ne savent pas de quoi ou de qui ils parlent... read more >
Robert Magic, 15-Mar-07 11:45 am
La verite a toujours blesse et offense ceux-la qui ont des oreilles pour ne point entendre et des yeux pour ne point... read more >
Frantz D Haiti, 15-Mar-07 4:45 pm
nous sommes tous haitians. Il ne faut pas faire utilisation des themes idiotiques pour faire les autres rester en... read more >
Joseoph Nicolas, 15-Mar-07 6:32 pm
So you've been around since 1957, Yet you haven't learned to respect other people's opinions. It would appear that... read more >
Mark, 15-Mar-07 10:08 pm
It's interesting how you praise Preval for being so democratic but you're not. I bet if you had your way you would... read more >
Jim, 15-Mar-07 10:24 pm
Sorry Mark, mais je ne saurais accepter de telles insultes. Il me semble que j'ai affaire a des gens tres suceptibles... read more >
Robert P. Toussaint, 16-Mar-07 3:58 am
The definition of wisdom is knowledge; it does mean somebody who is quiet, muet, or an individual who lets people step... read more >
Robert Magic, 16-Mar-07 11:07 am
Older brother Robert Magic restrain yoursefl a little brother.Wisdom can be difine in many way as you explain so... read more >
Jean Batiste, 16-Mar-07 11:51 am
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