Jean Robert and everyone else; please people can we stop this...

Linda says...

Jean Robert and everyone else; please people can we stop this argument.

The Latin in Latin America is not as complicated as all is simply "Latin" from the "Latin language." In other words languages that HAVE LATIN AT THEIR ROOTS.

Hence (for petes sake) countries that speak French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

These happen to be the nations that colonized most of those territories that are south of north America, which today we call South America and the Caribbean.

There are some exceptions to this rule of countries.

One such example is Suriname (in South America), and Jamaica or Trinidad in the Caribbean (there are more/look them up).

Those countries were colonized by the British ...

English is not a Latin root language.

Sooooo, these countries are not part of Latin America.

It is not culture, it is not color, it is not complicated.

It is simply a language thing, and the language thing was used by the white man who decided that those areas that were part of the Latin language group should be called Latin America.

The issue is not that complex, so maybe we should stop trying to make it so.

The topic is: sir how is haiti a latin country
This is a reply to Msg 16374
Posted by Linda on August 14 2009 at 3:21 PM

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Regarding my last post on the subject. Throughout the twentieth century; those countries that were originally occupied by the Spaniards and that later kept a Latin root origin language like French were still referred to as part of Latin America. And > >
Linda, 24-Jun-09 4:39 pm
Yeah, you'er right. True. I misunderstood the topic. All caribbean islands are in Latin America as well as Central and South America. I don't even know why some people even question who lives in Latin America. It's very clear on the map. People are s > >
Jeffrey, 25-Jun-09 4:42 pm
Dear Brother man, Haiti is definitely part of Latin America. It should be noted that the term Latin America has nothing to do with race but rather culture and languages. Since French, Spanish and Portuguese are Latin or Romance languages then it i > >
Jean-robert Alexandre, 13-Aug-09 12:04 pm
Is the D.R a Latin Country? If so, what makes it a Latin country? Don't get continents involved in it. U.S.A, CANADA, MEXICO are part of the North America continent. Brazil is in the south America. When it comes to latinos you talk about cultures > >
Notebookblogz, 13-Aug-09 1:25 pm
The Man, 13-Aug-09 1:49 pm
Jean Robert and everyone else; please people can we stop this argument. The Latin in Latin America is not as complicated as all is simply "Latin" from the "Latin language." In other words languages that HAVE LATIN AT THEIR ROOTS. Hence (for > >
Linda, 14-Aug-09 3:21 pm
Dear Linda If you scrutinize my statements you will discover that i excluded race and colour.The term Latin America as I previously stated has nothing to do with race. We are not complicating anything lovely sister, We were simply responding to a > >
Robert Alexandre, 15-Aug-09 10:18 am
It would be so nice if people would live this topic alone and move on to more important issues. Ho does the location of Haiti on the map is good for Haiti. I remembered when Haiti was in the European continent, nobody gave a rat *ss then, and now > >
Tiba, 15-Aug-09 11:29 am
Robert, I apologize if I am fed-up with this issue. But did you notice that there are over 100 posts just on this topic; that does not include the many other times that this subject was already debated on this blog. Haiti has real problems, like feed > >
Linda, 15-Aug-09 7:23 pm
Dude who the f u c k care? Do you think we give a f u c k about being latinos. Only rich Haitians on here who are living in every single rich countries on earth argue about this s h i t. We have too much to worry about other being latinos. Ar > >, 15-Aug-09 8:30 pm
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