I respectfully disagree with you. I read most of your blogs on...

Mark says...

I respectfully disagree with you. I read most of your blogs on this topic.

You seem very passionate about your views.

In my opinion your views are misguided.

You have not given a clear reason why dual citizenship should be denied to Haitian Americans.

You have only stated how you feel about things.

You should know that the world don't always work on how we are feeling, because our feeling tend change based on the situations in ourlives.

If you are going to make a case you have to present facts.

What studies have been conducted to demonstrate that granting dual citizenship to a group of peopple is bad for the country.

What about other countries which allows dual citizenship, what apocalyptic issues are they facing after allowing such devastated act to occur?

Fact is diversity has been good in America, and the assumption is it may be good for haiti as well. Haiti needs all her people to fight for her survival.

Those who became US citizens and have not forgotten about Haiti should be included in the process.

Your use of rhetorics to render the naturalized as traitors is ill-conceived.

They are not traitors.

How many Haitians in this country got here through the petition by a US citizen.

How can you say they betrayed their country, when in fact they love their countrymen.

A country is not just a mass of land, it consist of its people as well. Also your use of analogies of comparing the naturalized to that of someone who leaves his wife and returns for sexual favors is flawed.

Many people I know became a US citizen merely as a means to an end. They did so in order to accomplish something for their families back home. How can you deny them the opportunity to reclaim their haitian citizenship; it is flat out wrong.

My only advice to you is to separate your ego from this debate, and utilize common sense.

Seriously ask youself if dual citizenship were granted, what are the pros and cons, and would the pros outweigh the cons?

Finally, I understand the Haitian's government reservation on dual citizenship.

If they were to grant dual citizenship they would have to set in place checks and balances to ensure that Haitian sovereingty is not undermined.

We can do it.

The topic is: Correction for my last post.
This is a reply to Msg 16211
Posted by Mark on August 5 2009 at 3:25 PM

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Finally someone is making some sense in this blog. > >
Saurel Dominique, 5-Aug-09 11:07 am
There's a couple of words that caught my attention in your post: respect and honor are just a few of them. With all due respect I don't think you fully understand the meaning of respect and honor. You said, I'm paraphrasing, that the dual citizenship > >
Zac, 5-Aug-09 11:12 am
I perceive you as a well educated Haitian-born person who loves Haiti. Let’s agree to put all the drama aside but I will deceive myself if I have to put all my emotions away because as Henry Louis Gates Jr explained it there are unusual men like... > >
Andrew Andy Thomas, 5-Aug-09 12:19 pm
See! We are not on the same page. Haitians are poor. But, in their poverty, they value their dignity. Your view is like money can buy anything. Correct me if I am wrong, it is like you telling me that the Haitian Diaspora can buy “dual citizens > >
Andrew Andy Thomas, 5-Aug-09 1:26 pm
I do not know and never receive any evidence that President Rene Preval is a naturalized foreign citizen. But, if he is, we voted him in good faith. If it is and your opinion about him was correct, then you just prove to yourself that Haitians > >
Andrew Andy Thomas, 5-Aug-09 1:57 pm
Linda, I am exploring and hope for a reconciled solution to the problem of our beloved brothers and sisters who had freely renounced all allegiance and fidelity to Haiti. We will find the solution through mutual respect, honesty and compassion. > >
Andrew Andy Thomas, 5-Aug-09 2:26 pm
I respectfully disagree with you. I read most of your blogs on this topic. You seem very passionate about your views. In my opinion your views are misguided. You have not given a clear reason why dual citizenship should be denied to Haitian Americans > >
Mark, 5-Aug-09 3:25 pm
Thomas, when I debate a point, I try to stick to the facts. I tend to list these facts so that they are clear. Because I stick to the facts, I am able to express myself by making short statements that go right to the point. I notice that you can't do > >
Linda, 5-Aug-09 6:27 pm
FACT #1 : Oath of citizenship of the United States "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofor > >
Andrew Andy Thomas, 5-Aug-09 9:46 pm
FACT #1 - (FRENCH VERSION) Le serment d'allegeance qu'on doit faire avant d'obtenir la citoyennete americaine: "J’affirme par la presente, sur le serment, que je renonce et abjure, absolument et entierement, a toutes les allegeances et fidelites > >
Andrew Andy Thomas, 5-Aug-09 10:09 pm
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