Banjo! Banjo! Banjo! You are continuing to hallucinating. It...

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Reply to Msg 16139

Banjo! Banjo! Banjo!

You are continuing to hallucinating.

It is apparent the lithium medication is not working.

Sorry to say it, but I don't think you will ever get your schizophrenia under control as long as you are still smoking crack.

Can't you see what it's doing to your brain?

Banjo, there is nothing about Montresor for even the cave man to be jealous of. Have you forgotten already that this is the United States of America, the land of opportunities, the land of plentty where you can be anything you want to be?

Banjo this is not Haiti.

Banjo, yes I despise Montresor, yes I am disgusted with Montresor, yes I am anoyed with Montresor, and yes I am flabbergasted with Montresor, why?

Becuase of his INCOMPETENCE and MEDIOCRITY and NOT because of his person because I don't know the guy from Adam to Eve.

So far, Montresor has not shown me nor given me any tangible signs/indications that he can run a little corner store not alone an entire country.

I realized why these concepts are beyong the range of your brain power to understand because you, too, are an incomptent and mediocre.

After all, "Incomptence and mediocrity breath incompetence and mediocrity" plain and simple.

Bonjo, you said "I mean look how he got his tomb on his wife aren't that something?

Five kids and 23yrs of handling a relationship; this guy is either a great lover or a strong dictator and I love it..."

Banjo, with a statement like this, I rest my case! you just proved once again how primitive and deranged you are and it is a reflexion on your leader Montresor.

If Montresor has any competence and decency he should have disassociated himself from you for depicting him as such.

Your hallow brain cannot realize that you just insulted Montresor as dihumanizing his wife. Getting his tumb on his wife is not a compliment, dumbo! you just discribed his wife as a property, as a thing, as a slave, and as his servant.

In so many words you just discribed this Montresor guy as a loony for treating his wife in such manner.

Banjo, you just gave me more reason now to despise this Montresor even more because until now, I did not know that he was treating his wife, his family in such inhuman manner.

Why would I want someone like that with no character, no decency, no respect for person worth who show no compassion and respect to his own family to be president of a country?

I hope this deranged man(Montresor) reads your post and able to reflect on it providing he is capable to understand the ramification that could have on his character as a presidetial canditate.

Banjo, can you now realize that you and Montresor don't have anything that I can be jealous of?

Even the cave man and monkeys doing flip-flapping on the trees in the jungles of Africa agree with me on this one.

Tiba, August 3 2009, 8:35 AM

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Tiba I know you're right and I know i should have ignored him but this guy got me so mad brother. I had to put in his... read more >
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Sa se sa gran'n mwen rele chien san dan. Let me get this straight are you threatening us. Tonton Macout you think that... read more >
Zac, 3-Aug-09 2:43 am
I agree with everything you're saying but at the same time you need to understand that respect is a too way street a... read more >
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Zac, I love it to see your true color on this blog… you’re such a poppy with a tiger attitude wow is what Linda... read more >
Banjo, 3-Aug-09 5:34 am
Zac, Tiba, and Linda, Montresor is your challenges so don’t try to figure him out because the guy is kinda bit too... read more >
Banjo, 3-Aug-09 7:22 am
Banjo! Banjo! Banjo! You are continuing to hallucinating. It is apparent the lithium medication is not working. Sorry... read more >
Tiba, 3-Aug-09 8:35 am
Hey bloggers, Banjo and Latousen are the same people. Tiba if you and Zac take a moment and really pay attention to... read more >
Linda, 3-Aug-09 9:31 am
Tiba, You did exactly as I expected of you as usual and that is loosing control of yourself. What I am saying to you... read more >
Banjo, 3-Aug-09 10:23 am
No Linda --like always you are wrong. This PEASANT -HABITAN- Tiba is one of those boat people who got here and and... read more >
Latousen, 3-Aug-09 10:56 am
Okay Banjo did you understand anything I said? Maybe you should go back and read everything I said a couple more... read more >
Zac, 3-Aug-09 10:58 am
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