paying deputes senators is a bad deal for haiti!!

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Think about it, haiti has spent almost half of its poor budget to pay senators and deputes, buys them cars, security, and they come to work when they feel like it. theses 2 entities destroy haiti's reputations and economy at the expense of the population.Just get rid of them, they are uselss, greedy, immoral, selfish.

Base on the state of the haitian economy, a senator should get pay couple thousand $ haitian and a motocycle, if they really love haiti.

Because we do not have the money..., we can use those guys in some other aspect like education, reboisement or some thing that haiti can benefit from. borrow money from other country to pay those guys are a receipy for desaster.

instead use that money in security, improving the tourisim infracture for the country.

I was told when duvalier was around, he get rid of these 2 groups depute and senators, in every departement he put a prefet that set!!!,we do not have technology, do not have industry, we do not have petrol, we do not have tourist.

Basically, we have the (bol ble a seulement) we are zero barre, a lil bid of money the government should spend it wisely.

In haiti we do not have money problem, we have a brain problem.

Also alot of people keep saying that give the opportunity to the diaspora to participate in the political affair in haiti WRONG!!! WRONG!!!! WRONG!!!! Let me explain myself, more than 50% of deputes senators, ministers, directeur general president are diaspora meanning they leave most of their lives outside of haiti, Is haiti is in the same or worse situation?

yes!!! The problem of haiti is not about diaspora, because event in the diaspora some time i hear how some of these leaders think or talk is a heart breaking, imagine you put that same person in power in haiti that will be worse.

My suggestion the diaspora should write a constitution that can make haiti turn a round if the haitian government refuse to implemente this constitution, then we will stop sending money in haiti, because do not forget, the diaspora is the engine of haiti so Think about it

Please check this Internet TV station you can see some good show that talk about waht we suppose to do to change haiti.

go to and on the right hand side under on demand clik on the link to see all the show that has done in the pass or you can check us every saturday 1 pm to 2 pm sunday 1 to 2 pm these are good show you can send your comment, or question at any time

Dj Connection, July 30 2009, 3:02 PM

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I have had enough of all the reports and news coming out of Haiti. This country was in crises before the earthquake... read more >
John Bentley, 23-Jan-10 4:06 pm


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