Stanley Lucas, This is not a full disclosure of my position on...

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Reply to Msg 15755

Stanley Lucas,

This is not a full disclosure of my position on the issue concerning the Duvalier and Aristide's funds of $850 million.

Let's consider this response to be as an opinion based on a civilian point of view because I don't have all of the actual documented facts to justify and rule out well balance judgments.

If I was the seated President (Preval) I would quickly bring all the parties involved and negotiate a settlement that will be satisfactory to all sides.

Meaning that I would consider Duvalier and Aristide to receive somewhat of partial settlement payment each month (i.e. food stamps, social security) if they can prove hardship status.

This agreement will consist of duvalier and Aristide forsaking any political ambitions in the affairs of Haiti's future because of the critical needs of Haiti to move forward in every aspects of productivities...

I firmly believe that Haiti need a paradigm leader/thinker who will settle these issues without prejudices or political strife/hatred, and I (Montresor) will not be afraid to undertake such initiative as President of Haiti in 2011.

God Bless!
Montresor2011 at

Montresor 2011, July 16 2009, 11:59 AM

Topic: Haiti Les hommes de l'occupant par Stanley Lucas

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Stanley Lucas; thank you for the information you provided. All factual historical information is good to have, as it... read more >
Linda, 16-Jul-09 10:09 am
My motives? Accountability not hatred my friend.According to our General Accounting Office Aristide has U.S.$ 350... read more >
Stanley Lucas, 16-Jul-09 10:53 am
Hey, Lucas, It's all well and good for you to bring to surface these two con artist: Aristide & Jean-Claude, who stole... read more >
Tiba, 16-Jul-09 11:30 am
Stanley Lucas, This is not a full disclosure of my position on the issue concerning the Duvalier and Aristide’s... read more >
Montresor 2011, 16-Jul-09 11:59 am
Thank you for you answer. Why don't you do it, I can't do it all by myself. read more >
Stanley Lucas, 16-Jul-09 1:46 pm
So, I'm by the pool and perhaps I've had too much wine (one full glass does it for me), but it seems to me that... read more >
Linda, 16-Jul-09 4:31 pm
So, Stanley Lucas, I noticed that u answered part of my questions, but deliberately did not answer the specific... read more >
Linda, 16-Jul-09 4:39 pm
Lucas - I think you should be the one doing it because you have already started the process. Why are you being so... read more >
Tiba, 16-Jul-09 4:56 pm
Linda, my beloved! can you tell? not only Lucas is supported by the radical religious right, but he is a republican... read more >
Tiba, 16-Jul-09 5:04 pm
Linda, I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, but I expect to hear the truth. Haiti/Haitians need to hear the... read more >
Montresor 2011, 16-Jul-09 5:38 pm
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