Mr Lucas I am not exactly sure what your motives are, but I...

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Reply to Msg 15745

Mr Lucas
I am not exactly sure what your motives are, but I suggest you leave this country alone.

We do not need any more reminder of what Aristide or Duvalier has done to us. We need to find common ground within the admistration of both and move on to a better future.

Igniting that flame won't takes us anywhere.

Why would you be telling us about those things?You are develish! You want us to continue these internal striffes by animating the political hatred.

Aristide had its positive and negative moments, so did Duvalier.

We need to build on the positive-order and social justice.

Perpetuating the fratricide fights had earned us the actual never-ending Ninustha occupation.

We need to educate ourselves for the upcoming presidential elections, learned about important issues so we can better choose our leaders, so we can stop venerating foreigners.

We would appreciate and love you if you could help us love each other again, regain our peace and security so we can organize our human resources, Macoute et Lavalas for a Haitian rebuilding of our nation.

Please stop feeding the hatred!

Gera Bougui, July 16 2009, 2:39 AM

Topic: Haiti Les hommes de l'occupant par Stanley Lucas

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Mr Lucas I am not exactly sure what your motives are, but I suggest you leave this country alone. We do not need any... read more >
Gera Bougui, 16-Jul-09 2:39 am
Stanley Lucas; thank you for the information you provided. All factual historical information is good to have, as it... read more >
Linda, 16-Jul-09 10:09 am
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