La majorite des haitiens aiment mieux ceux qui les...

Zarien Krab says...

La majorite des haitiens aiment mieux ceux qui les maltraitent! ils continuent a apporter leur dollars aux dominicains qui les traitent pire que chiens, les massaccrent au moment opportun, et les accusent de tous les maux infligeant leur pays. Helas!...

Il ya tant de pays qui aimeraient notre "money".

Croyez-moi! Si Haiti est aussi pauvre, dites moi ou les haitiens trouvent de l'argent pour depenser plus de trois millions USD every week end en RD (, ou pour payer le cout d'education de plus de "25,000 etudiants haitiens inscrits dans le système d'éducation supérieure dominicain" (
Le Mexique et d'autres pays d'amerique latine et d'ailleurs apprecieraient notre argent!
Haitiens renmen moun qui maltrete yo, moun ki meprize yo, yo respekte moun ki fe yo abu, yo vote pou moun yo konnen ki pap fe anyen.

yo prefere Satan que bon Dieu. Franchement se yon peuple mwen pa ka konprann!.

The topic is: We need to reoccupy the Dominican Republic
This is a reply to Msg 14237
Posted by Zarien Krab on May 2 2009 at 8:07 AM

Messages in this topic

La majorite des haitiens aiment mieux ceux qui les maltraitent! ils continuent a apporter leur dollars aux dominicains qui les traitent pire que chiens, les massaccrent au moment opportun, et les accusent de tous les maux infligeant leur pays. Helas! > >
Zarien Krab, 2-May-09 8:07 am
I am just at lost when I hear Haitians are being mistreated, humiliated, used and killed in Dominican Republic and I am more at lost and furious to hear that Haitians are vacationning in Santo Dominingo. Furthermore this idea of Haitians studying > >
Hans Duperoi, 2-May-09 8:07 pm
Well its already done - more than one million Haitians are living in the Dominican Republic. Most of them are employed by domestic work or in the construction industry. However they do not have any qualification for most of the construction work they > >
Dominican Watchdog, 4-May-09 10:53 am
We do not need to reoccupy the DR. We the Haitian people need to go back home and work for our community. We're making DR richer. We are cutting canes which what give DR more money. What about going back home and make our country Richer instead? We > >
Ananymous, 20-May-09 3:47 pm
Well said, those who suggest that Haiti should re-occupy the Dominican Republic are mentally slow. We don't have that capability and it wouldn't be right. We already have our hands full with all the problems that Haiti faces. I agree that we should j > >
Zac, 20-May-09 4:05 pm
That is retarded as a proud Dominican i know that the Dominicans were very mistreated when Haiti occupied the Dominican Republic! I'm not justifying the way Haitians are treated in the Dominican Republic, but we shouldn't be looked as bad people beca > >
Johanna, 26-Jan-10 9:29 am