Haiti: Do not want the French for another 25 years

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Reply to Msg 13983

Haiti: "should never allow colonists or Europeans to set foot on its soil as masters"Sisterhood and Brotherhood means Haitians must look outwards together, and stop allowing foreigners to divide and polarized Haitian society.

If the goal is an independent and free Haiti, as dictated by Haiti's founding fathers; if as Dessalines' swore Haiti would never again allow a colonist or European to set foot on its soil as master.

Then, the answer is the same as it was in the time of Dessalines: Haitians, no matter the hue or class, need unite for the nation's common good and development.

It means, we stop being the architects of our own destruction in ignoring the sufferings of the masses.

if we Blacks of all hues unite - L'union Fait La Force! Haiti should never allow any concessions for anything to France;Once they have their foot in the door, they might never leave.

How will we protect or defend ourselves against France's nuclear and biological weapons?

Haine éternelle à la France: voila notre cri!

La Reine Des Lionnes, April 14 2009, 11:05 PM

Topic: Haiti. Non à Sarkozy! Non à 25 ans en Haiti!

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