Haiti and Cuba have differences and similarities. My opinion...
Solitario Rodriguez says...
Haiti and Cuba have differences and similarities.
My opinion of difference between Haiti and Cuba:
1-that Haiti is an elect president democratically, in Cuba there is a dictatorship of 50 years followed.
2-in Haiti there was an intervention of the USA to clear a dictator, in Cuba no.
But there are similarities between Haiti and Cuba is:
1- In Haiti there are small amount of rich, and a lot of poor men. (equal in Cuba.)
2- In the USA there is a Haitian population also is in the USA a Cuban population.
3- Great % of Haitians in the USA have resigned to the citizenship of Haiti in front of a judge of the USA and decided on citizens of the USA.
Great % of these Citizen Haitians of the USA single interest to him to solve their personal problem and of family and little he interests the problem to him of the Haitian population in Haiti.
Equally Great % of Cuban in the USA have resigned to the citizenship of Cuba in front of a judge of the USA and decided on citizens of the USA.
Great % of these Cuban citizens of the USA single interest to him to solve their personal problem and of family and little he interests the problem to him of the Cuban population in the island of Cuba.
The Haitians and the Cubans with citizenship of the USA have mobility but the "Haitian or Cuban poor man" without citizenship of the USA does not have mobility.
That is mobility?
Mobility, as I to it see, is when a person can "be transported, to transfer, to change itself" freely from a point to another one.
Example: Puerto Riqueños has mobility because all have citizenship of the USA.
A Haitian poor man who only is citizen Haitian does not have mobility because if she wants to go with visa from tourist to the USA it is practically impossible to him.
In the embassy of the USA in Haiti they are going to him to request:
1- Document of the bank that has money.
2- Document that has properties.
3- Document that demonstrates that it has direct relatives in Haiti.
While that a Haitian citizen of the USA travels freely.
To have mobility derives other results like for example.
1- The poor Haitian, only Haitian citizen, to go to the USA must gamble the life.
2- The citizen Haitian of the USA gains dollars the USA.
3- The Haitian only citizen of Haiti gains devaluated currency Haitian.
The Haitian citizen of the USA has better condition for putting a business within Haiti deriving that in great % the poor Haitian are going to work for the Haitian citizen of the USA.
4- The Haitian citizen of the USA is the privileged class whereas the Haitian single citizen Haitian is the poor worked class.
Conclusion is needed an update all the (Cuban, Haitians) to the citizenship of the USA.
God we trusted.
Supporter Haiti Been Free Associate of the USA.
Supporter Cuba Been Free Associate of the USA.
NY, THE USA 02-13-2009.
Traduccion en ingles por la computadora
Haiti and Cuba have differences and similarities.
My opinion of difference between Haiti and Cuba:
1-that Haiti is an elect president democratically, in Cuba there is a dictatorship of 50 years followed.
2-in Haiti there was an intervention of the USA to clear a dictator, in Cuba no.
But there are similarities between Haiti and Cuba is:
1- In Haiti there are small amount of rich, and a lot of poor men. (equal in Cuba.)
2- In the USA there is a Haitian population also is in the USA a Cuban population.
3- Great % of Haitians in the USA have resigned to the citizenship of Haiti in front of a judge of the USA and decided on citizens of the USA.
Great % of these Citizen Haitians of the USA single interest to him to solve their personal problem and of family and little he interests the problem to him of the Haitian population in Haiti.
Equally Great % of Cuban in the USA have resigned to the citizenship of Cuba in front of a judge of the USA and decided on citizens of the USA.
Great % of these Cuban citizens of the USA single interest to him to solve their personal problem and of family and little he interests the problem to him of the Cuban population in the island of Cuba.
The Haitians and the Cubans with citizenship of the USA have mobility but the "Haitian or Cuban poor man" without citizenship of the USA does not have mobility.
That is mobility?
Mobility, as I to it see, is when a person can "be transported, to transfer, to change itself" freely from a point to another one.
Example: Puerto Riqueños has mobility because all have citizenship of the USA.
A Haitian poor man who only is citizen Haitian does not have mobility because if she wants to go with visa from tourist to the USA it is practically impossible to him.
In the embassy of the USA in Haiti they are going to him to request:
1- Document of the bank that has money.
2- Document that has properties.
3- Document that demonstrates that it has direct relatives in Haiti.
While that a Haitian citizen of the USA travels freely.
To have mobility derives other results like for example.
1- The poor Haitian, only Haitian citizen, to go to the USA must gamble the life.
2- The citizen Haitian of the USA gains dollars the USA.
3- The Haitian only citizen of Haiti gains devaluated currency Haitian.
The Haitian citizen of the USA has better condition for putting a business within Haiti deriving that in great % the poor Haitian are going to work for the Haitian citizen of the USA.
4- The Haitian citizen of the USA is the privileged class whereas the Haitian single citizen Haitian is the poor worked class.
Conclusion is needed an update all the (Cuban, Haitians) to the citizenship of the USA.
God we trusted.
Supporter Haiti Been Free Associate of the USA.
Supporter Cuba Been Free Associate of the USA.
NY, THE USA 02-13-2009.
Traduccion al Frances usando la computadora:--//
Le Haïti et le Cuba ont des différences et des similitudes.
Mon avis de différence entre Haïti et Cuba.
1-que le Haïti il y a un président démocratiquement élu, au Cuba il y a une dictature de plus de 50 années rapproché.
2-dans Haïti il y a eu une intervention des USA pour enlever un dictateur, au Cuba non.
Mais il y a des similitudes entre Haïti et le Cuba sont :
1-dans Haïti ils ont beaucoup pauvres et peu de riches égal au Cuba.
2-dans les USA il y a une population haitien il y a également aux USA une population cubaine.
3 Grand % de haitiens aux USA ont renoncé à la citoyenneté de Haïti face à un juge des USA et ont opté pour des citoyens des USA.
Grand % de de ceux-ci Haitiens des citoyens des USA seulement cela lui intéresse de résoudre son problème personnel et de famille et peu lui intéresse le problème de la population haitien à Haïti.
Grand % de de cubains aux USA ont renoncé également à la citoyenneté de Cuba face à un juge des USA et opté pour des citoyens des USA.
Grand % de de ceux-ci Cubains citoyens des USA seulement cela lui intéresse de résoudre son problème personnel et de famille et peu lui intéresse le problème de la population cubaine dans l'île de Cuba.
4 les haïtiens et ce qui est cubains avec citoyenneté des USA ont de la mobilité mais le « haitien ou cubain pauvre » sans citoyenneté des USA n'a pas de la mobilité.
Qui est mobilité?
Mobilité, comme je le vois, est quand une personne pourra « être transportée, transférer, être changée » librement d'un point à à un autre.
Exemple: Le Port Riqueños a de la mobilité parce que tous ont de la citoyenneté des USA.
Un haitien pauvre qui est seulement haitien des citoyens n'a pas de la mobilité parce que s' il veut aller avec visa de touriste aux USA il lui est pratiquement impossible.
Dans l'ambassade des USA à Haïti ils vont le demander :
1- Document de la banque qui a de l'argent.
2- Document qui a des propriétés.
3- Document qui démontre qu'il a des parents directs à Haïti.
Tandis que qu'un haitien des citoyens des USA voyage librement.
Avoir de la mobilité dérive d'autres résultats comme par exemple.
1- Le haitien pauvre, haitien seulement des citoyens, pour aller aux USA doit être joué la vie.
2- Le haitien des citoyens des USA gagne des dollars UTILISE.
3- Le haitien des citoyens de Haïti gagne monnaie dévaluée haitien.
Le haitien des citoyens des USA a meilleure condition de mettre une affaire dans Haïti en dérivant qui dans grand % le haitien pauvre va travailler pour le haitien des citoyens des USA.
4- Le haitien des citoyens des USA est la classe privilégiée tandis que le haitien haitien seulement des citoyens est la classe exploitée.
Conclusion on a besoin d'une mise à jour de tous les haitiens et cubains à la citoyenneté des USA.
En Dieu nous confions.
Le Haïti sympathisant Été libre Associé des USA.
Le Cuba sympathisant Été libre Associé des USA.
NY, USA 02-13-2009.
The topic is: Comment les Etats-Unis ont appauvri Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 13285
Posted by Solitario Rodriguez on February 13 2009 at 1:53 PM