Solitarion I don't quite understand the use of "mobility" that...

Tiba says...


I don't quite understand the use of "mobility" that you keep referring to. What do you mean by that?

Here in the US, everyone is free to travel around the country.

Perhaps you want to refer to "opportunities"?

Because Cuban, Haitians, Dominicans, Jamaicans, etc...

who are not US-citizens do not have access to all the oportunities that US-citizens have. For example, someone who is not US-citizens cannot get federal government jobs such as: post office jobs, secret service jobs, etc...

and that is the only difference.

Other than that everybody has free mobility in the United States.

The topic is: Comment les Etats-Unis ont appauvri Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 12870
Posted by Tiba on January 29 2009 at 3:57 PM

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Le sympathisant (Cuba, Haiti) Ete libre Associe des USA donne un commentaire : La discrimination qui existe entre ce qui est cubain ou le haitien qui est des citoyens des USA et le haitien ou cubain qui n'est pas des citoyens des USA est enorme. Que > >
Solitario Rodriguez, 29-Jan-09 2:50 pm
Solitario, I got you (understand you) now. Well Solitario, sorry to inform you that this is the way it is in the United States. United States gives first preference to its citizens, whether you are US-born or naturalized US-citizen. There are t > >
Tiba, 29-Jan-09 3:13 pm
Solitarion I don't quite understand the use of "mobility" that you keep referring to. What do you mean by that? Here in the US, everyone is free to travel around the country. Perhaps you want to refer to "opportunities"? Because Cuban, Haitians, D > >
Tiba, 29-Jan-09 3:57 pm
look at Dominican Rep, the capital Santo Domingo, where human beings are living like human being, copare with Port-au-prince where pigs are living > >
El Caribeno, 29-Jan-09 4:52 pm
Yes two sisters: one is beautifull, the orther is ugly. One is nice to live with, the orther is like a gheto, One is clean, the orther is durty. One is a city the orther is a huge bidon ville full of garbage. Santo Domingo: about 50 KM of cost, ve > >
El Caribeno, 29-Jan-09 5:16 pm
"Sot bay imbecil pran".We,all know that Paris &Washington don't care about haiti.Our gouvernements have been the world#1 beggar,we don't believe in labor work.It's about time that we ask ourself:who is really responsible for our misdeed?Is it US that > >
Llyod, 30-Jan-09 7:39 am
Let's be careful not to speak in such broad terms. Our governments before Baby Doc, Aristide, and Preval, was led by proud people. Baby Doc, Aristide, and Preval, are the ones with no spine, no dignity, who have the mentality of gutter rats. Before t > >
Linda, 30-Jan-09 10:59 am
Linda,I respect your opinion,I saw Haiti of the 70s,I was young and extremely proud of what my ancesters have done but we both could agree that Haiti has one of the world best history but we were the one that killed our liberator " Dessalines".D > >
Llyod, 31-Jan-09 10:53 am
Loyd, I beg to differ with you on one point. Aristide's failures are not the fault of anyone but himself. He was a low life individual, who was selfish, greedy, and lacked any sense of dignity, pride, integrity, or honor. His little male ego thrived > >
Linda, 31-Jan-09 5:26 pm
Lloyd I support part of your message. I was there in the 70s when Haiti was the pearl of the islands and the Haitian pride was flowing in the veins of all Haitian. We were respected by the world including the US. However, the part about Aristid > >
Tiba, 31-Jan-09 6:12 pm
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