Tiba. In fact the writing I carried out it in Spanish and I...

Solitario Rodriguez says...

In fact the writing I carried out it in Spanish and I translated it to the French by computation.

For me, the Haitians, Dominican and Cuban are, human beings the same.
My opinion.

Haitians, Cuban, Dominican with citizenship of the USA are having different treatments than the Haitian, Cuban, Dominican who are not citizen of the USA.
Haitians, Cuban, Dominican with citizenship of the USA have mobility.

The Haitians, Cuban, Dominican who are not citizen of the USA do not have mobility.

It is hour that (Haitian, Cuban, Dominican) updates all to the citizenship of the USA.


En realidad el escrito lo efectué en español y lo traduje al francés por computación.
Para mí, Los haitianos, dominicanos y cubanos son, seres humanos por igual.

Mi opinión.
Haitianos, cubanos, dominicanos con ciudadanía de USA están teniendo tratos diferentes a los haitianos, cubanos, dominicanos que no tienen ciudadania de USA.
Haitianos, cubanos, dominicanos con ciudadanía de USA tienen movilidad.

Los haitianos, cubanos, dominicanos que no son ciudadanos de USA no tienen movilidad.

Es hora que los (Haitianos, cubanos, dominicanos) actualicen todos a la ciudadanía de USA.
solitariorodriguezW at Gmail.com

The topic is: Comment les Etats-Unis ont appauvri Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 12857
Posted by Solitario Rodriguez on January 29 2009 at 2:44 PM

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This is so true, i read somewhere that the us marines stole king's Soulouque crown made with a mass of gold and placed it in NY Bank as well. > >
Djakut, 21-Jan-09 10:30 pm
Do you know why the Americans had to threaten the Haitians with forced labor for them to build roads in their own country? Regarding reparation,I can only hope that Haitians are not thinking that one day France will make reparation. Because Franc > >
Sebastian, 23-Jan-09 12:34 am
Linda, If you check "www,haitianconnection.com" blog you will find some members using part of the Obama speech where he asked poor countries to stop blaming the west for their faillures, as support to defend US accomplicity to Haiti's economic fai > >
Tba, 23-Jan-09 5:28 pm
Tiba, I heard Obama. I think he was talking to Muslim religious fanatics (also known as terrorists). I think Obama is well read enough, and would not be ignorant of the past negative involvement of the US in various other countries, including Haiti. > >
Linda, 23-Jan-09 6:26 pm
Bonne recherche. La France et Les Etats-Unis sont des pays esclavagistes et anti-negres. Haiti s'acroupissent pendant un siecle sur le poids de la dette de l'indepandance. En imposant forcement a Haiti la dette de 1922, les Americains nous ont creuve > >
Rft, 26-Jan-09 3:33 am
Le Cuba sympathisant et le Haiti Ete libre Associe des USA donne un commentaire : La discrimination qui existe entre ce qui est cubain ou le haitien qui est des citoyens des USA et le haitien ou cubain qui n'est pas des citoyens des USA est enorme. > >
Solitariorodriguez, 28-Jan-09 11:08 am
solitar With all due respect, your meassage was very hard to understand, after reading your message several times trying to mak sense of it, I might be wrong, but I could understand that you are criticizing the US double standard immigration polic > >
Tiba, 28-Jan-09 5:52 pm
Tiba, Yes, you have made a perfect point.. IF the goverment do not care to put Haitians on the map, Why should other country cares...... All these greedy for no good goverment all they want is money and ruin the country. They have no shame, what w > >
Sad American Haitian, 28-Jan-09 6:45 pm
N'oubliez pas le role tant preponderant des intermediaires comme Stanley Lucas, Gros Gerard LaTortue,son cousin Youri... they are some ofthe known active foot soldiers.They are the true ennemies of Haiti! > >
Yosesanguinaires, 28-Jan-09 10:09 pm
Tiba. In fact the writing I carried out it in Spanish and I translated it to the French by computation. For me, the Haitians, Dominican and Cuban are, human beings the same. My opinion. Haitians, Cuban, Dominican with citizenship of the USA are > >
Solitario Rodriguez, 29-Jan-09 2:44 pm
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