We must understand that the reason why a lot of the people do...
Jean Raymond Philippe says...
We must understand that the reason why a lot of the people do not support the dual citizenship in Haiti is cause they are efraid of us turning the country of haiti to a beautiful and honest place, they know that we know more about how to create Job and bring more business to the country is not only the government that doesnt want us to help and support our country but is the big business guys in Haiti they want Haiti to stay the way it is that's all
The topic is: Dual citizenship in Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 6595
Posted by Jean Raymond Philippe on January 27 2009 at 3:11 PM
Messages in this topic
We must understand that the reason why a lot of the people do not support the dual citizenship in Haiti is cause they are efraid of us turning the country of haiti to a beautiful and honest place, they know that we know more about how to create Job a > >
Jean Raymond Philippe, 27-Jan-09 3:11 pm
Supporter Cuba and Haiti Been Free State Associate of the USA give a commentary: The discrimination that exists between the Cuban or Haitian citizen of the USA and the Haitians or Cubans who are not citizen of the USA is tremendous. They have mobil > >
Solitariorodriguez, 28-Jan-09 10:55 am
DEFINITION:Dual citizenship or dual nationality refers to an individual being a citizen of two countries or a legal status by which a Haitian becomes a citizen of two countries. Dual citizens have two passports and essentially live and travel freely > >
Samuel Frederique, 30-Jan-09 11:55 am
Dual citizenship debe ser una ley que favorezca la poblacion interna de haitianos. Dual citizenship no debe ser una ley solo para favorecer a una minoria de haitianos que tiene la suerte de ser ciudadano de USA La unica solucion es actualizar l > >
Solitario Rodriguez, 17-Feb-09 11:51 am
The definiton of dual citizenship or dual nationality, refers to an individual being a citizens of two countries or a legal status by which a haitian becomes a citizens of two cuontries.The need to change is apparent; the need to seek individuals who > >
Samuel Frederique, 19-Feb-09 8:21 pm