What would I do if I were president of Haiti

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Haiti is a case of "Extreme situation that requires Extreme measures." Regardless the opinion of the US, UN or the international community put together, as president of Haiti what would I do?

1) I would ban the constitution and govern by "Decree" for the first 2 years of my presidency.

I would grant dual citizenship to ALL Haitians who want it free of charge, and that would always remain the law of the land until Jesus Christ come again (smile).

I would call for a six months time limit to write a new constitution that would reflects the culture and the values of the Haitian people.

This new constitution would be written ONLY by Haitians with no outside interferences.

I would engage in a campaign of national pride by giving priority to Haitian citizens first over anyone else by getting first class service from government agencies at home and abroad (Haitian embassies & consulates).

I would make sure that the new constitution will never deny dual citizenship to Haitian natives ever. The new constitution will not recognize a "Prime Minister" (too complicated for the country), and I will make sure that the constitution calls for 9 governors in each department with some autonomy to make their own laws, to have their own police force, to have the authority to lobby businesses for their own respective department, etc....etc...

2) I would declare a free but mandatory high school education entitlement to ALL, old and young.

It would be a literacy capaign to educate the entire nation in 2 years.

3) I would do an enventory of ALL the government enterprises that were sold to the private sector and those that are still under the government control.

Any big enterprises that were sold to private corporations and are still not in operation, I would give those owners 6 months to get moving or they return them to the government.

Those that still belong to the government and are not in operation, a 6 months will be given to get them all in operation.

I am referring to like: Le cement d'Haiti, Teleco, etc...etc...

4) I would get rid of ALL curent government employees especially those who have made a career out of government jobs/posts, and replace them all with young people whit fresh ideas.

I would create an agency to monitor corruption and take action wherever corruption is present.

That same office would also take complain from Haitians who are victims of abuse/injustices/discrimination from others.

5) Agriculture would be on the priority list of my presidency.

National production would be the greatest campaign of all.

5) I would engage in building infrastructures such as: Roads, electricity, the creation of an health care system, build a modern communication system, drinking water, etc...

these are the kind of infrastructures needed for tourism and investments.

6) To fight insecurity, I would reinstate the death penality and if I have too, I would also reinstate the ton-ton makout and provide them with a manchete and a stick to get everyone in line with the law. Kidnapping would be a federal crime punishable to death, and I would execute the first 5 kidnappers in a public place, "Pere Lebrun" style to send a clear but strong message to the kidnappers, don't mess with me if you don't want to get BBQed.

With a new constitution, I would call for election on the third year of my administration.

Contrary to the current system, Deputees and Senators would have the authority to lobby businesses for their respective juridiction/constituents.

The country is in this mess because Haiti is a ONE man show. The president calls all the shots when he is not aware of what's going on evrywhere in the country.

Under the new constitution, the governors will run their own state and compete for money from the central government.

This would free up the president from running all over the place and get nothing done at the end of the day.

This is called power sharing!

These would be some of the first measures that I would take if I were president of Haiti.

Remember what my introduction says "Extreme situations call for Extreme measures" that would be no time for no nonsense logic.

Tba, January 7 2009, 6:23 PM

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