One thing that I would like to tell you is this: we must stop...

Mathieu Derisse says...

One thing that I would like to tell you is this: we must stop blaming the international communities for our misery and sufferings.

We must hold the Haitian Mercantile Elite as responsible of our pain and suffering.

We are a colonized country by our own ecomomic elite that makes Haiti an oppressed country.

The Haitian colons are worst than the French colonists.

Please analyze the Haitian's problems at this angle.

One more thing that you need to know we don't have a good present that's why our future is uncertain...

The topic is: Haiti's uncertain future
This is a reply to Msg 12449
Posted by Mathieu Derisse on January 4 2009 at 10:36 PM

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Ralph you have some interesting points. Our problems need to resolve from bottom up not from the top down. Iā€™m confident that you have heard about Guy Philip and he said something very interesting in a radio interview a few years back. He said... > >
Jean Batiste, 31-Dec-08 11:55 am
One thing that I would like to tell you is this: we must stop blaming the international communities for our misery and sufferings. We must hold the Haitian Mercantile Elite as responsible of our pain and suffering. We are a colonized country by our o > >
Mathieu Derisse, 4-Jan-09 10:36 pm
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