Sebastian I say wow! you are one of a kind my friend. I bet...
Tiba says...
I say wow! you are one of a kind my friend.
I bet you are one of those brain washed by the master propaganda or a paid crony to go around trashing black people for loving their countries regardless the state the state their country are in.
So now the master has provided you with a good life with a colleg education therefore you find ALL Africans and Haitians are somwehat dellusional for bragging about their countries and loving their countries?
You are really a disgrace to mankind.
You are one amongst what we call "pate kwe, pat espere." You never dreamed to be in the economic and social status that you are in today.
And you're right 150%.
I am from the old generation who is still singing "Haiti cheri pi bel payi pase ou nan pwen...." and guest what, I sing it 24/7. Wait a minute, are you saying because you're from the new generation therefore you better than me, you're better educated than me, you know more than me, and that you're better informed than me?
I hope you are not flattering yourself by going around with your head inflated with that belief, are you?
But you see, sebastian, like you, I have a good life here in US with a college education too. However, unlike you, I will never forget where I am from, I just can't regardless of the oppulant life style that I am living abroad.
Regardless of your social and economic status and the shade of your skin color, whenever the master denigrates Haiti/Haitians, thee master is also referring to you.
You said: "India is not the most democratic country, but the largest because they have 1.13 billion people compare to a country like the US which has 350 million." what does that mean?
You 're trying so hard to sound intellectually savy, you always ended up making NO sense whatsoever.
Democracy is now about population size?
You said: "And "poverty and internal strife still threaten Indian stability" even now. Their religious beliefs play a big role in their submission and their acceptance to be poor( remember that those people do not even kill animals because they think everything deserves a chance to live and thrive) but it can't hold forever."
Sebastian, I hope you didn't go to Harvard because if you did it would be a disgrace to that prestigious University.
Do you know what the term "Developping country is?" Furtheremore, do you have any idea what the title of "Super Power" means?
India carries both term and title.
Also isn't it against the law to kill and mistrate animals in the United States except for those that we eat?
You know what, I'm done with you. M-leve kok mwen, M-ba-ou legen!
Please don't even bother responding...
The topic is: Guy Philippe Interview-Exerpt frOM His Coming Book
This is a reply to Msg 12385
Posted by Tiba on December 25 2008 at 10:15 AM