preva l : stop traveling

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Reply to Msg 1207

I agree one hundred percent with you. This is a very interesting point.

This situation is not new.

During his first term as president, Preval was just traveling with no action plan, no objectives and no goals to start the development of our country.

At a certain moment, we had the feeling that Preval himself was getting bored with his position.

We understood he was working under the influence of the Haitian dictator Jean Bertrand Aristide.

But today it is a different situation since he declared before his inauguration he was now an independent man.

We do not understand that today Preval is showing the same behavior and attitude we have seen during the period 1996-2001 and for which He was blamed.

We believe that it is primordial for the country to develop.

establish and reinforce our relations with other countries.

But it is inadmissible that the President himself has to travel every week to attend inaugurations or to visit another sicken leader.

The President in doing so is wasting the few resources that the country owns. Ins tead of becoming a traveling pigeon, He should invest the money in infrastructures (roads, electricity.

ports and airports).

He should invest the money in assisting the farmers with equipment, tools, seeds, pesticides and means of transportation.

He should invest the money in providing small loans to our brave " madan sara" so that they can keep their business running.

He should invest the money in helping the fishermen improve their equipment, storage system and the distribution channel.

There is too much to do and not enough resources.

The President needs to be careful.

He is putting himself in a bad situation.

The Parliament needs to invite the Prime Minister so that He can explain how much money the State is spending every time the President feels that unexplained need to travel abroad.

Preval and Alexis should understand they are sending the wrong signal to the donors.

We cannot ask foreign governments and international agencies to finance important and vital projects for the country and at the same time encouraging that type of spending spree.

It is time to be serious and responsible.

Trebu Patriote, January 19 2007, 5:00 AM

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I agree one hundred percent with you. This is a very interesting point. This situation is not new. During his first... read more >
Trebu Patriote, 19-Jan-07 5:00 am
I believe that Preval should keep travelling as long as new relationships are developped as a result. The money spent... read more >
Jolibois Selondieu, 19-Jan-07 8:55 am


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