Preval compromises our Liberty Dessaline is mad

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We in the diaspora, the tenth department strongly against the Preval American Treaty to confiscate Haiians property in Haiti.

We, the Diasporas are the backbone of the economy in Haiti.

We strive to make Haiti survive there were Flubustier and Boucaniers in the new world for over 500 years.

France, USA, Spain, Great Britain have never persecute their citizen for action commit outside its territories.

we have been partner with USA in all aspects since the begining of it foundation.

though, USA keep a double standard against Haiti or against Haitians.

Remember, Mr. Preval, President Bush tells you Haiti is not going to have Temporary Protected Status.

When those people are being deported to Haiti, you don't have bridges for them to sleep under.

what are you going to do?

It time to realize that the only friend that Haiti have is the Haitian people, mostly those in New York and Florida.

We request that Me. Manes Pierre Louis, to stop any confiscation of Haitians propeties in difficulties of accusation in the USA until the Senat and the deputies sturdy carefully the cause of action

Jean Murat Dantilus, October 30 2008, 11:03 AM

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