Linda, I am Haitian and I am extremely competent too. The true...

Tiba says...


I am Haitian and I am extremely competent too. The true of the matter is that everybody tend to be extremely competent in what they do and in their field of expetise.

And, the other thing is that majority of Haitians keep confusing competence with being college graduate, or being well educated.

My Haitian people that I love so much believe that once someone is a college educated then that person can do everything, the person can run everything, and certainly can govern Haiti.

I do realize and acknowledge that there are extremely competent Haitians out there.

In fact, there is one here in my city. He is a surgeon known around the world.

He is so damn good and competent, people from around the world come here to see him to get operated on. But will have have the competence to govern Haiti?

The jury is out on that one.

I am directing the incompetence and the mediocrity of us, Haitians, in the art of self-governance.

Let's admit it, we cannot govern ourselves and do great things for our country in spite of our high level of education, individual competence and personal accomplishments.

And please don't tell me we can because the last 204 years constitute a reminder of our failures due to our lack of competence and the know-how.

The topic is: Preval/Pierre-Louis fiasco!!!
This is a reply to Msg 11405
Posted by Tiba on October 20 2008 at 7:01 PM

Messages in this topic

Tiba, I am Haitian and I am extremely competent. Sadly, my talents and skills are only serving the white man, but that is due to no fault of mine. I must agree with the other blogger, and ask you to think about what you are saying. When you say "all > >
Linda, 20-Oct-08 10:39 am
Se domaj nan syek nou ye la-a pou prop piti peyi ap swete pou etranje/blan ta retounen vi'n okipe premye pep/peyi nwa endepandan ke tout mond lan konnen. Haiti n'est non seulement la premiere Republique Noire, mais aussi la seule revolution o les esc > >
Le Progressiste, 20-Oct-08 11:37 am
Linda, I am Haitian and I am extremely competent too. The true of the matter is that everybody tend to be extremely competent in what they do and in their field of expetise. And, the other thing is that majority of Haitians keep confusing competen > >
Tiba, 20-Oct-08 7:01 pm
Linda, Je viens de recevoir votre reponse. Je pense que vous vous etes trompee de cible. Moi, c'est Bosiko. Si vous preniez la peine de bien regarder, vous remarqueriez que j'ai repondu a l'article de TIBA qui nous traite, nous les haitiens, d'incom > >
Bosiko, 21-Oct-08 8:43 am
Hi Bosiko, My only response to this topic was to Tiba. In my response to him, I actually agreed with you. For good communication to continue, you must first look carefully at who is responding to what. Hi Tiba, Actually, I was surprise mostly by y > >
Linda, 21-Oct-08 12:06 pm
Bosiko, Enough with the whining! get a grip and chill! Can you people understand when somebody asks or poses a question? I was asking a question. But if you insiste that I call Haitians incompetent and mediocre ti wouldn't be a far fitch true. > >
Tiba, 21-Oct-08 12:19 pm
I applaud what you said, but would like to add the fact that most well educated Haitians traded their allegiance and fidelity for Haiti with security, safety and comfort in another adopted country. Those who sacrificed to go back in Haitian are le > >
Pierre Guillaume, 15-Aug-09 3:01 am
The Haitian Prime Minister Michelle Pierre-Louis may not be a perfect woman or a perfect Haitian politician. I met her recently at the Haitian Diaspora Congress (Miami Beach, Florida, US) - August 8-9, 2009. I was impressed by her humble attitude an > >
Pierre Guillaume, 15-Aug-09 3:13 am