Neo-Colonialism In Latin-Americas: HAITI.

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This is not for your typical greedy investors or racist radical minds...

But if you are an open minded rational, logical thinking person, please do continue to read.


The Question They Do Not Want You To Ask Or Even Ought To Mention.

Reading Right Through The Half-Hearted Modern Neo-Colonialism.

By Wilgeens "AfroLatino" Rosenberg

In this Case, let us take Haiti ofr example.

Even though as it stands right now and always has that Haiti is a virgin market that anything of an investment of any kind will stride and be successful over there because it is indeed a place with all kinds of open aspect grounds and foundation for businesses to prosper is present even with current negative coverage of the impoverish Country which has created this stigma in the minds of many to indicate that Haiti is a too risky and liable kind of Country for businesses which is not at all true regardless of the negativism being portrayed in the World Media about the Nation.

Reason that is, there are by far more radical extremist rogue nations that are by far way more dangerous than Haiti could even be...

Truth of the matter is, there are extreme dangerous places in and around the World where businesses do indeed prosper and stride that security issues have never really pose much great threats to their success, if any, in those other rogue dangerous nations.

However right now, the Haitian Government havenot done much if at all interms of incetive to attract investors.

Thus those investors see, feel and think they have nothing to do in Haiti, at least not right now anyway.

It's about survival of some 7 to 9 million human beings, who had the bad luck to be born there in a modern world which chooses to alienate them due or becuase of old resentments.

For me the "survival" is the right word for the crisis that takes over this country that Haiti is facing, one of the oldest poorest modern nations and the oldest black republic in the world and its fraudulant foreign made-motivated-manupilated and influenced plights.

Recently a popular TV humorist said that if the Canadian government treated the wild animals the same way as the Haitian government its own people, the politicians in Ottawa would have been sent to jail. There was a laugh while everyone visualized in his mind the Canadian prime minister sitting down in his jail cell. The laughing is better psychologically than crying, but in this case I find crying more appropriate.

Look at the media reports about Haiti; it's nothing short than a fight for biological survival than many observers find on the ground.

The country is ravaged by incurable diseases like HIV, by generations of mismanagement and mistreatment; by tortures, corruption and criminal activity of any kind. What is the difference between now and 10 years ago?

Then at least the people had hope that democratically elected figures could make a new beginning for Haiti.

Now all these hopes have vanished.

Now every man, woman and child have one thing to think about: how to escape and how to survive until escape.

What the world should do to handle this crisis?

The strategy the developed world is exercising now is to do nothing and wait until everything settles down like in a magic show. Or preventing the media from reporting other stories like those of crowded boats trying to reach the US coast.

If the Haitian nation is dying, it should do this in silence, these strategists say. In fact, could the Holocaust have been possible if the crew from CNN was present at Auschwitz?

Could the Armenian massacres have been possible if there was some instant media coverage?

So the strategy is clear, not only to do nothing but to descent media curtain around this country.

If this strategy of total ignorance doesn't work; the migration reaches biblical proportions and the media curtain is broken, then the West will try another well-known cure, i.e. putting the blame for all that happens on some bad guys in the country.

There are already some sketches in that direction and the public opinion is ready to meet its new nemesis named Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

He will be forced to abandon the power and will be replaced by some good guy. We still don't know his name but it doesn't matter too much. This good fellow will receive some big checks from the donors and other financial institutions, big for his country but just daily allowances for the rich nations.

There will be even some international police presence for a limited time. The situation will improve until the new good guy becomes in turn a bad guy.


Thus the Western strategies include doing nothing and doing something that ultimately won't change the situation.

Are there any other options?

Is the option for this nation only between dying quickly and dying slowly?

If the international community cherishes the Haiti sovereignty there are no other options: you could either try to ignore what's going on or try to help by pouring money and providing some security assistance.

I stress on the word "assistance", which is different from creating a security dominion dependant on foreign powers like in Kosovo.

The West may opt for importing some of the problems Haiti faces by importing some of its population.

Knowing well the public opinion in many western societies I find this option very unlikely.

To allow millions of immigrants from a country ravaged by HIV among other illnesses and diseases will be considered as suicide by any western government.

Thus the only option remaining is to put the country under international protection, protection not from a foreign power but from its own government.

This option sounds false for every human being with some democratic background.

It means that the world has taken any credit out from any public figure in Haiti, elected or not. It means that in the name of national salvation this nation should replace its elected government with foreign neo-colonial rule.

I know what the readers are thinking about this idea, that in the name of freedom it is better to make sacrifices, that the freedom is better than the life itself.

"Better dead than red", I read somewhere these words studying American history.

Okay, that's fine but why do you think right now Haiti enjoys the freedom?

Is it a freedom to be prosecuted by your own government, to be treated like animal, to be killed by mobsters with no police around to help?

Is this the freedom to die for?

I agree that putting Haiti and some other countries like it under new colonial rule will be the last measure, but please agree with me that just ignoring this crisis or trying to heal it with more conventional therapy will bring no lasting solution.

P.S: (Please people, both Haitians and Dominicans...

understand that in no way am I saying Haiti is a disease Country.

Before the average racist Dominican start trying to use this to their advantage to win their hatred and resentful arguments and ideologies against Haiti or Haitians and even that statment is not applied implied for all Dominicans.

So chillax...

This statement is not meant to be in any defaming and condescending way that is to indicate in no way that Haiti is a Country of such stigmatism of diseases, but only in terms of factual high rates of those illnesses that have been surveyed and reported alone for a small Country such as Haiti to have).

Wilgeens Rosenberg, September 27 2008, 3:18 PM

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