While I feel your passion in your statements and agree with...

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Reply to Msg 9922

While I feel your passion in your statements and agree with you on some points, I disagree with you on other points.

In every country, you have the haves and the have-nots, the kings/queens and the commons, the people and the government, the well-informed and the not-so-well-informed, the oppressed and the oppressors.

It's easy to distinguish from this list the ones who are in power and the ones who are not (or is it).

Since the revolutionary period against the French, from1971-1804 (which started with the SLAVES and was joined by freedman Louverture) there has never been another period when Haitians were together (in unity) aiming for a common goal in one body (not PARTIES).

Oh yes, there has been plenty of times when individuals or organizations (we know them best as "PARTIES") got together, agreed on a certain ideology of how that individual of party feels is the best route for the country to take to improve.

I look at Haiti's flag and zoom in on the inscription in the center "L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE" (Unity Makes Strength) and I ask myself if others, the government and the common citizens, read what I read and believe in it. But then I get my answer everyday from the local radio station informing that three more children failed to the gun by kidnappers because the children's families did not have the ransom or the kidnappers killed the children anyway, although the money was rendered.

And I get my answer from watching two Haitian ladies tell each other off because they can't agree on who should get the front seat of the bus. I also get my answer from visiting the website of the American embassy in Haiti, warning their citizens not to go to Haiti because, not only is it the worst tourist site, but there's a very high probability that they will not return back to America safely.

I definitely get my answer when I hear one neighbor going after the other with a machete because his child is ill and he is certain that it's the other neighbor who's trying to eat the kid.

I say all this to point out that, yes, the government might be as bad as you described (if not worst) but the non-governmental citizens of Haiti contributes tremendously to the condition of our loved-but-can't-be-helped country.

Personally, I feel that it's the people of Haiti (those Haitians living in Haiti and those living outside of Haiti) who makes Haiti.

When a Haitian individual looks at Haiti, they should see themselves and rightly when that Haitian looks at themselves they should see Haiti.

Maybe the reason why this terrible government is in power until now is because we're not ready.

All Haitians need to ask themselves this question and answer it. What are you as an individual doing in your everyday life to train yourself to be in a state (mentally and physically) of unity and strength?!

Mj, July 27 2008, 1:57 AM


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